My malls only have Growlithes and Nidorans :/
My malls only have Growlithes and Nidorans :/
I can’t even find Magikarps. I’ve caught ONE so far, but I haven’t seen another since. Sigh.
There’s a My Little Pony character voiced by Weird Al? AND IT’S NAME IS CHEESE SANDWICH!?
not only can you not make an account, but it gives you the same “we can’t make a new account” error if you try to use the “forgot password” function. I already have a club pokemon account, but I can’t log into it :(
For me it was the OJ Simpson trial (not the chase). I remember the Princess Diana thing, vaguely, but the OJ trial was the first one that I really understood.
I love how Mika’s butt bone still jiggles when she smacks it.
I think Blizzard does it right: They tailor to their larger customer base, IE non-competetive, or “casual”, players. Statistically competitive players represent a very small slice of the Hearthstone player base’s pie. If the much larger slice of casual players enjoys the RNG based cards, then the best decision for…
It’s pretty obvious to me that Poise simply doesn’t work as a passive buff. It works normally as an active buff however (just try using Stomp, or any other Poise boosting weapon art).
That steam sale gif is obviously a reference to the Billy and Mandy episode “Here Thar Be Dwarves” where there are three flashbacks to a picnic. All of them end with bigfoot jumping out of a bush, yelling “raggle fraggle!” and grabbing Billy and running off.
This is obviously the beginning of an ARG. Quick, someone dress as Bigfoot and steal a car
My tip: If you’re interested in any Indie titles, the Steam sale is the best time to buy them. A lot of indie games go on sale for less than $10, so if you’ve ever considered picking up, say, The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, grab it while it’s $8 and skip your Starbuck’s run for a couple of days.
You’re not required to simply know these things out of the box. Games have a means of progressing for this exact reason. You learn the trade first, then you learn the tricks of the trade.
From what I’ve seen so far, even the videos you showed, it looks like a fine MegaMan pseudo-reboot. I think all the hate for it came from its Kickstarter being not great, and its release being delayed a few times. Big deal, games do that shit all the time; get over it Internet.
Between this and Mighty No. 9 my platforming dreams are coming true this year (we.., in the case of M#9... maybe).
I’d be more interested in the legendary pokemon that embody Fear and Terror.
Pokemon Fear and Pokemon Terror... yeah, that sounds like the M rated shit I’m looking for
Say what you will, but I firmly believe chickens should have been #8 or #9
damn it man, why you gotta tell us about great games like this and then at the end say “oh btw pretty much the entire world can’t play it”
The biggest problem with tattooing in Japan is that many private entities (IE employers) do not permit them, or at a minimum do not allow them to be visible, and even some public areas such as bath houses and pools, do not allow visible tattoos.
you shouldn’t feel bad about using Yelp, even if it’s selfish. Selfishness in and of itself is not a bad thing, it’s selfishness in spite of others that’s bad. Was it selfish of you to leave a 1 star review of this guy? Maybe. Was it selfish of him to have done a shitty job in the first place? Or to call you and try…