
I think this is why I read most of this article thinking “who cares”? Most people just look at the front page, or look for a specific game via search, and don’t even use the community portions or anything like that. I think Valve has the right idea tbh: Why police something nobody cares about anyway? Just let it

I still hate 3D anime in a lot of ways. I thought it was cool when Knights of Sidonia did it because that’s what made KoS unique, but now that everything is full 3D now (JoJo, Berserk, and now Batman...) I’m starting to like anime less and less. Anime has always been about pushing the boundaries of 2D animation and I

to an extent I understand the argument of “what if [insert white celebrity here] tweeted “Shout out to all the white women just because...” but seriously, who cares.

No it’s not, it’s trespassing which the Zelda series has clearly never heard of. I cite for example nearly every single NPC’s house in every Zelda game ever. Based on this evidence we must assume that trespassing does not exist in the game world. As such the Gate Skip is not a glitch because it falls within the

in her defense, I would want to get out of Detroit as fast as I could too

I’m more surprised Pokemon Go still exists than that it released a shitty update.

I embrace it as part of what makes anime anime, but I don’t always like it. IMO it has no place in more serious anime, but I think it can be funny in sillier anime like Highschool of the Dead.

My guess is drones. Maybe the latency on drones isn’t quite there yet, but IMO having a pilot actually be inside the plane is becoming obsolete pretty fast. One of the problems with fighter jets is that they’re limited by their squishy pilots. Imagine what could be done with a fully robotic jet based on the F-35?

oh those are pocket glasses. For some reason I thought it was a hockey stick pin which I thought was weird for a basketball player.

because Wyoming is a state in the union and it gets to influence our politics because it has its own government and regional concerns that deserve to be represented. So does every other state in the midwest. Just because their population is lower than some other areas doesn’t mean areas with higher populations

yeah, like 4 times in a row. Every time I fought it it would either summon Castform and Sunny Day sweep me, or I’d kill the Trumbeak it summoned and THEN it would summon Castform and sweep me.

Is that new? I thought CPU trainers always had EV trained pokemon

Why electoral votes aren’t computerized somehow is beyond me. Why do we need a person to cast an electoral vote when a computer could do it for us without shit like this coming up? Sure computers can be hacked, but is that any worse than people who can arbitrarily decide not to do their job? I don’t think so.

The only time I lost in the original games was when I fought the elite 4 and my Blastoise couldn’t 1 shot them. After that I learned about team balance, came back, whooped their asses on my second playthrough, never blacked out once.

for the most part I expect fanservice in comedic anime, and I expect it but to a much lesser extend, in more serious anime. For example, there was little to no fanservice in Hellsing Ultimate, while Fairy Tail is full of it, sometimes even dedicating entire episodes to it. Do I like it? Depends on how it’s done.

the phrase you’re looking for is “I’m sorry but I got this”

I hope it gets a PC release. I’m not gonna get a PS4 for it, but I would happily pay $60 for it on Steam or whatever

Guns are bad

That’s really cool; thanks for this tip, I’ll have to try it. God knows the Masuda Method was terrible, so hopefully this is a bit better.

Makes sense. But it would have made the most sense to release Pokemon Z like a month after ORAS like all the other ++ entries have done so far (except Yellow and Crystal I guess).