
The story was perfect, and TBH, I think we should all thank potato lady for teaching us an easy way to fight of the coming robot invasion: Just tell the robots "it's not free if you give it to me" and watch their head explode.

wait... You're supposed to tip at Sonic? crap.

I know these are completely diferent games, but still:

My choices:

I voted for Zero from Megaman X. Megaman X4 specifically.

dude, he said *replacement* not copy. Idk what your definition of “replace” is but to me having Lucario occupy a spot that could have had Mewtwo in it instead of including Lucario in addition to Mewtwo in Brawl means Lucario replaced him.

is this still going on? last time I read it I think was the Dexter vs Mandark fight where Coop from Megas XLR busted them into Mandark's compound.

That's Bubbles, and Inkmoney is correct, it's a reference to the pilot "Meat Fuzzy Lumpkins"

Slender Man is one of those characters that I'd prefer didn't have a movie about him; I like him SO much better as an urban legend.

looks like Superior Iron Man, Nova, Ultimate Spider-Man, and possibly Vision as the silhouetted guys. I think the guy with the wings is the new Captain America (formerly the Falcon).

"Bah, the negatives far outweigh the positives. The only thing better than a minigun?

The sequels were redundant for one: Neo is already cyber Jesus in the first movie, and then it takes 2 more movies to find out he's... Yeah he's cyber Jesus.

this is why I refuse to read Manga: It ruins the anime the same way books ruin movies.

Violence is not the right answer, but it is the most entertaining one.

check writers are the worst. One time my dad and I were waiting for one in the grocery store for like 20 minutes. she also had coupons or food stamps or somethins so the math kept needing to be redone. Naturally she did all of this only AFTER the groceries wee bagged and scanned. Sigh.

I might be a little biased as I'm a huge fan of the artist behind it, but I would like to suggest Skottie Young's Rocket Raccoon for this list. I've read several of the ones on the list including Wicked + Divine, Miracleman and Ms Marvel and I think Rocket Raccoon is easily as good as them if not better in some

the Simpsons is already a pioneer in animation who's techniques are still copied and improved upon to this day, same as Akira.

I was gonna say inb4 bitching about bitching about speed runs, but it was literally the second comment

What I also hate about Minecaft, and the article touched on this a bit, is it's primarily played by tweens and teenagers who have no money, but want to make Minecraft videos and animations, so they pirate 3D software and compositing software to do it.

my guess is most of the writers are Westerners that can't understand Japanese