Eloise Pasteur

Yes, very…. they set up a lot of possibles and they know how to set up rampant fan speculation, those evil writers do. And they know we love it!

TOO long!

After some more thought, I think Ferdinand shot Delphine. I'm basing that mostly on Delphine's reaction - she wasn't surprised to see her attacker, neither in the sense of "OMG I'm being attacked" nor who it was, in fact she sighed almost in resignation, and she asked "What will happen to her?"

We don't have cybernetic eyes that work like Rachel's but we didn't have functional mammalian cloning 30 years ago either and we do have thing like cybernetic limb replacements so you could stretch a point for crazy science.

Topside is a not-entirely clearly defined organisation that the people in Dyad report to, possibly others. The way it's referred to makes me think of it as if the Dyad we see is the active, working folk, although we're seeing the top of that organisational tree rather than cleaning staff obviously, and Topside is the

With Helena's skill set breaking into a science lab and acquiring fresh liquid nitrogen to top it up shouldn't be hard either. During my PhD in a biology department there used to be canisters of it on every research wing, you could just walk up and help yourself, the department kept it topped up as a basic resource.

Ah, see, although it wasn't that review that taught me the lesson, it had happened many years earlier, I don't read reviews BEFORE I read a book, watch a film or a TV show, I read them after because I like to see other people's impressions.

Manson and Fawcett don't write scripts for a while so it's not set in stone yet I assume. I hope it's not Shay - it seems too lazy and while opinions differ about how well they've pulled it off, they rarely get accused of taking the lazy option.

Oh Caroline, get the details right please. Cosima's number is 324b21 and since he's a neolutionist, it's almost certainly not a robot eye, they're into crazy biotech like the man with the tail and so on.

Boring is a matter of opinion though? I didn't find the first 300 pages of Anathem, or whatever the book I read 20 years ago and whose title I still can't remember, boring. I certainly didn't the first 10 eps of Sense8 boring.

I can appreciate your point of view. It didn't bother me as much. Perhaps, without wishing to insult you at all, you have more of a "keep it in the privacy of the bedroom" attitude and I'm more of an exhibitionist? There's nothing inherently wrong with either of those points of view, although society is more likely to

I hope they release the data too. I'd suspect they might not, it's going to be horribly commercially sensitive. But we can hope.

I've certainly read reviews of books, especially long books, where it's pretty clear the reviewer didn't finish the book before sending the review in.

Ah, sorry, yes, there's a theme in the sense of multiple stories telling different aspects of the same core point. There's not a theme in the sense of a single story being told to build to a climax.

He lifted the dance scene because they saw the film together and it was her favourite bit of the movie. It was yet another romantic gesture.

Although I think in reality I'd find it creepy unless they were all happy I found it a fun reversal. Lesbian sex for the straight male gaze as porn is so well established over the years, having a woman doing to an apparently consenting (or at least not objecting) gay couple all the things a man would do if given the

Netflix does a very good job of giving us a non-traditional show structure with a lot of its shows. Orange is the New Black for example avoids the 3 act structure and the big cliff-hanger just as resolutely as Sense8, although it has a more distinctly self-contained episodic structure. Sense8 is, for me, the first

It's the weekend, give in and watch the rest of them. You'll be all caught up by Monday!

Shouldn't read and post when I'm falling asleep…

While I agree the critical tide has turned against the Wachowski's and I agree this show is much more accepting in its portrayal of LGBTQI than most, I'm not sure most critics are actually reviewing it quite the right way (including this site).