
Did he tell you he lived in Austin? Not to mention, he said "cardiothoracic" and that result doesn't show that dude at all. Those are two different things, but he didn't seem to know that.

That's a pretty flimsy premise by which to verify him.

So, you're just purposefully going to skip over the part where he cites the FBI report. Are you one of those people that just disregards anything that you doesn't fit your scope of reality and call it "fake?" Because that's what a lot of really dumb people are doing right now.

I hear you, all great points. I also see the muddiness in the girl's reaction and possible justification for that kind of fear/rage.

Haha no, it's fine. It's inevitable on the internet, where tone and sincerity can get lost. I meant my comment to sound more like a joke, but I came off like a dick too. Such is life.

I was hoping that too. I would love it if Cartman actually found true happiness and wasn't the source of the chaos for once. However, it would also be hilarious and heartbreaking if he did find it and it was somehow destroyed. He's pulled that shit on enough people already.

Oh my god, you missed the point so hard, it's almost beautiful.

Oh right! I forgot about the eye stone. Thank you.

Or, she could have shown how terrifying she is while she's in beast mode and she could have scared them off.

I think those two Snakes weren't, but the way that scene was set up was super confusing. Had they been hiding on the ship and decided right before they dock in King's Landing was a good time to kill him? Was he on the same ship as Myrcella and Jaime? Did he know she was dead? Where the fuck were his guards? Were the

They did. It was a sucky oversight.

You're so fucking cool.

I can't believe you have the nerve to cal anyone rude. Look at your own responses and ask yourself if you just can't take what you dish out.

No offense, but I don't take hearsay into consideration. And he still seemed to be enjoying it. Smirks and all.

That combover is a war crime.

Didn't see the word con there. And I've grown up/lived in rough neighborhoods and cities, where no one said "con college" because that's something our grandparents would say.

It took be a second to realize what I was dealing with until I saw his comments all over the place. Bon Voyage, troll.

Avery didn't go to college. Did you watch the documentary? Because literally NO ONE who watched that documentary would think he did.

That doppelganger shit threw me for a loop, as I was a few, much-needed drinks deep by then.

UGH, you mean the fucking Picasso who thinks his tracing- pardon me-"sketch" was more solid than DNA evidence? When he said something like "DNA can be planted I DON'T KNOW I'M JUST ASKING QUESTIONS GUYS," all I could think of was Cartman doing his Glenn Beck schtick..