
Omg that too.

Oh man, when they both didn't know what "inconsistent" meant? Brutal.

Everything about that man gives me major douche-chills.


Especially when watching the tape is the main thing that makes you realized how fucked his "confession" really is.

I felt bad for being skeeved out by Halbach's brother given the circumstances, but he really seemed to like the attention. I just wanted t pull him aside and say "hey, you're only on camera because your sister was murdered. Maybe smirk a little less."

Low "ID?" You mean "low IQ." right? Ooooh, the irony. Use spell check next time you want to call other people idiots.

You seem to be obsessed with cat-burning and the notion that we're all out here furiously masturbating. Projecting much?

No, it's because they're "white trailer trash," (their words) and therefore, why should we give a shit about them? So clearly, we aren't dealing with a compassionate animal lover, but a raging douchebag.

It was fucking awful (and certainly dumb) and as an animal lover, that part disgusted me. But since you can't bring back the cat, what else can you do other than own up to it and go to jail? If he was really a sociopath, he wouldn't have felt bad enough to accept the consequences.

……are you fucking kidding me? I think you're the one who needs to understand something.

Nah it just said Brendan's judge. Not a thing I would admit freely because fuck that guy.

Yeah a lot of the people who talked a big game about knowing what "really happened" shut the hell up pretty quickly.

This whole episode made me sick. Every time I think the justice system is fucked to a certain point, this show proves it reaches levels I don't even want to know. People make up their mind about you immediately and that's it. Facts be damned.

You're saying you know more than a documentary you refuse to see. So how do you know they don't present more than you already know? Because you live nearby?

So you're you're admitting to being willfully ignorant and we should just ignore your input? Got it. Thanks.

OMG YAS OLD VHS RECORDING. Thank you for this.

I remember that! No one else does!