
That’s an office party I’d like to see...from a distance.

It may have been 1/200 but by now it’s likely 1/1 in this condition. The price is nearly beyond daily driver but a great driver this would be. Close NP .

I have to wonder if marching 58,000 Americans to their deaths in Vietnam contributed to that cynicism, disillusionment and pessimism.

I’ll believe that when I believe there’s an American made sport bike.

The cooling vest is the most incredible piece​ of kit I own. I’ve tried running with the vest alone and found the effect almost totally negated. The excess flow of hot wind overwhelms the evaporative cooling effect. I usually deploy my vest inside a poorly vented old school black leather jacket (because HD) which

Sacramento has a proven history of making advances in alternative energy pay off. They were pioneers in the development of the world’s largest geothermal energy complex in northern California. One of the most interesting projects in my career was the Carson Cogen where over 160 megawatts of power are generated with

More so!

You’re right, that is all bullshit. You have danced a big circle around the big traitorous 500 lb orangutan in the center of the oval office. Lock him up! Lock him up!

I think these sadly stupid Trump followers will be comparable to the headwaters of the mighty Volga all too soon!

But it is partisanship when the core values of the party in question are the kind of rapacious greed, amoral narcissism and traitorous meglomania embodied by Trump. The intellectually honest conservativism of the past is totally dead. Now all that remains is the, corrupted, walking dead corpse of a once valid school

Winning bigly®?

This is espionage, dipshit, it’s only uninteresting because it’s being conducted badly by idiots.

That’ll buff out!

Frankly all your liability should be covered by your life insurance, in case of collision.

The whole chassis will though!

Pink steering wheels! Silly apendeges! Turgid tailpipes!

Nothing is more expensive than a cheap repair that results in costly damage.

Your reply violates the laws of basic grammar. You cite your inability to investigate the history, physics or engineering. You refute experience and first hand knowledge.

!!! ?I suppose my explanation wasn’t simplistic enough for you to grasp. The theoretical molecular energy is  entirely different from a usable conversion to kinetic energy. The nitroglycerin example was intended to illustrate detonation which is destructive and yields little motive energy in an internal combustion

Dear God! This kind of insipid back and forth is exactly the reason I admonished you to seriously examine your rational before responding. This issue has been fulminating in the energy sector for over a century. For example, Henry Ford designed his first automobiles specifically to run on ethanol and voided the