
Carry my bag? How about I pack my own bag and you fly about 600 yards ahead of me and relay a sky view of hazards and conditions?

I come to Jalopnik to look at bright shiny objects, not to see my great orange uberlord criticized!

Indeed, if reality was anywhere close to what this scrap of information filtered through an apparent absence of business knowledge attempts to imply every “Grand Opening!” would be mourned as the death knell of the business in question. Managing growth is one of the greatest challenges facing any enterprise. The

“Oh yeah! I’ve been waiting a long time for this. I can ram something with my powerful little tugger and not get fired!


Any publisher, digital or otherwise, who doesn't understand their revenue stream won't stay in business long. Any reader who doesn't know that is only deceiving themselves.

It’s OK, just count up all the Porsche banner ads on Jalopnik. I don’t mind the editorial slant if Porsche is keeping the bologna supply in the Gawker office refrigerator fresh. Jalopnik, I know you’re a “working girl" but you're still cute!

Yeah! All that thinking makes my brain tired!

yes but just a fraction, it's still a great collection well worth a visit.

While you minimize the difference between a three ton V8 and a one and a half ton flat six you advocate tinkering with the thermostat and occasionally riding a bicycle or bus? 

Fortunately those unintelligent enough to know how to safely use cruise control are generally afraid/ unable to use it at all.

Conversely, while using cruise I am constantly aware of mindless drones who over take others and then slow down matching speed or those who’s tiny egos cause them to accelerate when overtaken. These mouth breathers can be found clustered together clogging highways from coast to coast. In either case any autonomous

Due to the mediocre components used the Fiero was unable to cash the performance check it’s sexy mid engine design wrote. Consequently so many were wrecked that, by the mid eighties annual insurance costs exceeded the prices for used examples. That did little to enhance sales.

The actual history is so much more complex and interesting than that but only a jalop would care.

It may be a regional characteristic but I often ride in the company of older riders, some over 10 years older. This includes our local century known a “California’s toughest century”. I would prefer that all drivers actively train to improve their aptitude but I feel ambivalent about any authoratarian edicts. I guess

Continual improvement is the consequence of training and conditioning. All drivers should strive to improve their skills to overcome the challenges of traffic, weather conditions, road hazards, fatigue and ,yes, age. I just completed a 3,000 mile dual sport motorcycle tour of four Western States that featured hundreds

Which is to say, not very?

I was out at the track Sunday. What surprised me more than the presence of several competitive young women was the predominance of men 5 to 10 years my senior, I’m 62. But, of course, most young bucks can’t swing a $25,000 to $100,000 track toy. I know I couldn't when I was younger and raising a family. Now my kid's

1.4 litre, front drums? That must be an early 510. All of mine have discs and 1600cc Mercedes derived L series engines.

It’s like a living breathing Rat Fink cartoon!