Thank you for shining a light on the life’s work of a great designer.
Thank you for shining a light on the life’s work of a great designer.
Yes you’re right. The article you linked to is typical. I would be happy to refute whichever tired argument from that piece you would care to expand on.
On the other hand all my friends love these posts that give us the opportunity to smack down all the whining bitches when they log on to defend the baboon half-breed.
Hey! Don’t interrupt so much self righteous chest thumping with actual facts!
He just does that to piss you off.
You obviously have no knowledge at all pertinent to ethanol fuel so you indeed demonize it as a “disaster”. Let me save you some time and humiliation before you reply by letting you know I have 20 years of industrial experience in petroleum and diverse alternative energy engineering projects, working for corporations…
An American with a Russian cock lodged in his throat!
Musk, for example, is establishing a coast to coast electric vehicle infrastructure. Your move...
Considering that without a taxpayer bailout GM wouldn’t even exist at this point, that proves ultimately that the free market is a complete myth and in the absence of good governance no economy is sustainable.
No she’s just counting on another taxpayer bailout.
It’s gracious of you to concede that reality has a left bias.
You do realize that climate science is based on actual measurements. The opinions you cite aren’t substantiated by actual replicable scientific research. Anthropogenic climate change denial is rapidly being relegated the same credibility of flat earth-ism. The greatest discrepancy between global warming projections…
Sure! The last devastating wild fire was stopped 3/4 of a mile from my house by a massive effort by scores of fire fighters. Nothing to worry about here, no sir! It’s not like Europe is being over run by climate refugees from nations destabilized by drought and crop failures.
You put your finger on the most serious problems with this social stratification. As enlightened states like California generate more economic growth and attract ambitious talented people from regions in decline, those backwards states will continue to decline into idiocracy.
OMG! He’s become our president!
As a Californian, I thank you mightily for this brilliant analysis.Let all the red States partake of a Kansas style economic shit show and then drag their retrograde asses from the wreckage by their own bootstraps. No more federal welfare for red states. Let them pay their own way. You made my day!
With all wheel drive and a boxer 6 this car is about as comparable to an Accord or Camry as it is to an F150. The Accord that bears comparison to the SVX would be an NSX.
It’s the inevitable consequence of electing this ass-clown. When his influence was limited to professional wrestling and reality TV it was easy to avoid his vapid persona. Now his influence permiates virtually every critical aspect of civic life in America and, to a significant degree, the world. The only way to avoid…
With the added advantage that the rear doors would provide convenient access to the engine for mechanical maintenance! erm...