
No need to apologise. I can see a month’s reflection has done you some good. No question the Sequoia driver was over the line but the first principal is, what’s your reaction? Do you rage and accelerate to cut him off? Or, do you chill and let the aggressive ass be on his way out of your life. You have no way of

Welcome to the dark side! Although I think you could perhaps exert a little more effort on the scooter and sartorial front. Most days my pinko ass is swaddled in Carhartts which has moved production back to the US and despite having owned bikes from all three of the WWII axis I now have included 2 American bikes in my

Your analysis had me singing in two part harmony until that whiplash non sequitur at the end. If you look at all of the downward trends you plot you’ll see they track the same downward trend in labor union participation. Of course, correlation is not causation but counter correlation is certainly not rational evidence


I’ve always wondered if there would be some coverage around the Alkali Lake maintenance yard.

As I read about the SP2 I was immediately reminded of another air cooled VW spin-off of the era.

Where exactly did you see an OSP on 395 in Oregon? I make a point of running the Lakeview, Burns section every year because I’ve never seen a patrol. I scarcely see another motorist. Awesome road!

Another recommendation for (guarded) honesty and courtesy.

Punishment is a relative assessment and a state of mind. I’ve heard tales of torment from golfers, painters or digital gamers. When you come to appreciate the satisfaction of using your hands to retrieve an item of quality (RIP Robert Pirsig) from the threshold of dumpsterhood the entire process becomes highly

On the other hand, though a 200' bubbler plate distillation column suitable for 100-250 gpm production of high proof ethanol fuel will produce a delightfully fragrant distillate (depending on feed stock) the product is hardly a wholesome beverage.

Biochemistry may not be your strong suit. The primary toxic byproducts of fermentation that are concentrated in the distillation process are methanol, formaldehyde and acetate. The commercial scale distillation columns I’ve worked on had apparatus to isolate those fractions. The consumption of amateur distilled

You only need anhydrous etoh if you intend to blend it with gasoline. I’ve successfully run on 160 proof but you can distill 180 with 50% of the energy it takes to make 200 proof (typically through benzine distillation). The presence of h2o in the Fuel actually yields a torque dividend known as the steam engine

I think the lifespan of internal combustion vehicles, the refineries that make their fuel and the people who want to put up with their idiosyncrasies will play out in synchrony. As a lover of anachronism​ I see a long golden sunset for our old fire belching jalopies. Don’t overlook that in the event that no one would

The American people spoke clearly when we elected a wealthy white oligarch who has defrauded customers and contractors in real estate scams and settled out of court for a fraction of the profit. He’s boasted about barging into young girls dressing rooms to ogle their bodies because he’s”the boss”. He gleefully mocks

“What do you have to do with this again?”

The ZF five speed behind the 460 in my ‘89 F250 is still going strong 180'000 miles since we left the dealership.

It’ll be cheaper when no one else wants it. That effect is already kicking in.

Sometime in my first decade of driving I no longer needed to watch my RPMs to know my shift points. Shifting a manual transmission becomes a natural extension of movement. Just as you needn’t stare at your feet to descend stairs your left foot knows what to do to achieve the right engagement for every situation.

I love how you cite “dick waving” and then proceed to wave your own! There is no doubt, that motorsports are ultimately engaging regardless of tech,and that new developments are going to reduce those shunts that occur when a driver/rider “runs out of talent”. Ultimately though it will lead to a new era where the