Tacking a Pep Boys wing on the back of your Civic and pretending you’re “that guy” is the precise definition of poser.
Tacking a Pep Boys wing on the back of your Civic and pretending you’re “that guy” is the precise definition of poser.
I think he forgot the “safe word”.
For eight years I was able to deny that fact, to myself.
I suppose Trump’s recognition of Ryan Owens was doomed to be tainted by both his own culpability in authorizing the mission and his inevitably narcissistic style of speaking. It’s certainly true though that Trump would have been excoriated if he had failed to recognize the sacrifice.
I’m amazed that you think a Presidential administration plans military strikes. Do you picture the Secretary Of State and the Attorney General selecting Blackhawks or Ospreys and the VP deciding in logistics and manpower? These military stratagies are generated and executed by military officers with the approval of…
Yeah, Obama was all like”I did it” when Osama was whacked, but that magnanimous saint Trump didn’t try to take credit for this raid, no sir! He’s all “Obama said it’s a good idea”and”the generals blew it”. This profile in courage was brought to you by Trump Steaks™ and Vince McMahon.
I’m pretty sure you did on Faux News.
Do you suppose he will accomplish the Reaganesque pinnacle of having his advisors convicted of federal crimes in the Whitehouse?
It’s nice to see your political views don’t prevent you being offended by the banal exploitation of the patriotic blood sacrifice of an American.
You failed to describe the actual events in the video. The camera car, by maintaining a rational following distance didn’t need to modify his speed until officer Agro failed in his blocking maneuver and decided his highest law enforcement priority was drivers ed. Really, if you pull your head out of the ass of the…
I don’t know if I’ve ever seen such a high fidelity update of a classic in a production mass market car.
The Alpine has always been a nonconformist’s Porsche.
Pedantic comment is pedantic!
There are hundreds of parts on my cars, trucks and motorcycles that have a subtle application of RTV to reduce vibration and gauruntee attachment. On disassembly a firm but gentle pull will release the part without damage.
The maneuver portrayed in the video was a merge. Why the white SUV was merging isn’t illustrated. Was he avoiding an obstacle? Was he trying to reach a ramp entrance? Was he responding to a hallucination? What does it matter? The cop was being a bit of a dick trying to block him probably because he was crossing lanes…
Whether the blocking is stupidity or malevolence I have little regard as to offense. I discovered long ago, that worrying about what an idiot thinks is futile and deference to bullies is amoral.
Really? Why?
How fucking ignorant are you? The procedure I outlined is not martyrdom. I’m not impeded to any significant degree by anticipating and facilitating the movement of other motorists. If no one is forced to stop and wait (thereby blocking a lane) the entire roadway will move better. It’s the nearly endless supply of…