
Superman's voice actor disappointed me a bit, but everyone else feels spot on.

Here I thought the 90's had a lot of movies about aliens. I sure hope Super 8 isn't going to be the same.

I am excited about this on two different levels.

Just watch, a few years from now we will find another star 3 bigger than R136a1.

@Hamslicer: Now I know why you earned that star. Kudo's to you!

@xXLegioNXx: I must admit, some things have different a feel depending on the medium. It's hard to pull off, but at least they tried with Scott Pilgrim where many many others failed miserably.

I must say, I would never want to be at the front of any human centipede.

For fun, try using a Vuvuzela.

@Arkesane: Exactly, the bible has been message twisted so much, it's about as accurate as a 4-Kids dubbed anime.

@SophT: Maybe that's how we got to where we are now, by letting go of instinct, and welcoming reason.

What? No mention of a DDR Machine? How could it even begin to be considered a Konami store without one?

As long as I can do this with them. Rocket Punch!

@bungz: I agree. That's why Airbreakers don't exist.

I made a pretty badass floral arrangement a few days ago. I think that counts.

Robots may be efficiently fast, but humans are deceptively cunning.

All these points are well and all but if anyone were to make a movie that is strictly following realistic code, then our sci-fi action battles would consist of slow-freezing enemies with their heads intact, mute explosions and invisible lasers.

@Davio: As long as there isn't someone saying these things during these scenes.

@shellandflame: Really you two? I thought it just looked like two pairs of saggy breasts.

Today's average person prefers to do things hands-on. They prefer to have a feel for every little detail; so that when they touch something, it touches them back.