
Consoles are more about the hardware and less about the games. That's what it boils down too, and is probably why I prefer my PC and Indie Developers for a brighter future.

I actually do that all the time with PC platformers. For some reason I absolutely cannot play a platforming video game with the movement controlled with my right hand and the other buttons with my left. So instead I find it to be much easier to play with my keyboard upside down whenever I play games like Super Meat

Yeah I thought it was very weird to poke fun at how the quest system is nothing new. It's like making fun of a racing game and how it's all about coming in first, or about how puzzle games require a bit of forward thinking; questing is what it's all about in an MMO RPG, it's how you can keep things from being linear

Hilariously, this was posted yesterday as well. Good to see it's a Gaban weekend.

Oh snap the Tales of Vesperia Translation group got on Kotaku? I did not see that coming, specially since I had been waiting for that to be done for months now. Course I prefer it that way anyways, since even the original game had a few text errors of their own.

Fine then Mr. Smartypants: Wacky Wheels

Shoulda just had a bunch of guys for the second on second time around. Problem solved.

In BF3 there is also a welding tool that automatically repairs all vehicles by welding any side of that vehicle for an extended period of time. So yes, you can nit pick if you want but you should really grab a drink because without suspension of disbelief, there are A LOT of things wrong with a lot of games, even the

Even still, I think that's why video games also have sub-genres like RPG and FPS is because just calling it a video game isn't enough. Some games have less challenge, may have more story, or may be more artsy than others so labeling just has to be used because it's better to help the few that need it, than to ignore

That image is pretty accurate, as long as game is defined as "challenging entertainment", since that's really why most people play games in the first place.

Labeling makes things easier to find to those who aren't up to date on things as long as there is no genuinely malice intent. If you crave Chinese food and just look up "restaurants" near you in Google then that would complicate things a bit. Of course if you do choose to do it that way and just look for Asian named

That's why this article is focusing on video games and not just games in general.

First Adam Adamowicz, and now Ralph McQuarrie? It is a sad year for those who can create vast worlds with their boundless imagination.

This reminds me of a similar event in BF2 that happened to me a few years back. I was chasing an enemy Support gunner so I can sneak a knife kill from behind. I leaned over to my buddy next to me to show off my sneaking skills and said "Hey check this out." Right before I was within knifing distance, the guy goes

Well then I guess I am the only one who thinks gameplay should come first before story. It's pretty hard to come across any sort of character or story now a days that you haven't seen a million times before, but finding a game that has unique and fun gameplay is pretty rare.

Oops double post.

I think it's rather impressive for a company to be so full in debt, yet can still bring out better and better Tales games over the years, while other companies pull out the same outdated RPG garbage and stay in business.

That's exactly why I prefer not to jump to conclusions when it comes to science vs religion. I believe in science and evolution but I can't say with certainty that god doesn't exist; without such proof, I cannot deny the possibility.

I don't think you researched "those" (yes there was more than one) incidents quite enough.

Well at least now I know Nintendo is open to trying different things with Pokemon. Even if this game is garbage, a tiny step forward is and will always be better than standing still.