El Marinero

This is the worst article the AV Club has ever run. It reads like the writer was handed the title and made to fit words round it.
"It wouldn't sway anyone" What the everloving feck? Nobody is going to be swayed politically by SNL at this point. No Trump fan is watching at this point, other than his number 1 fan. (We

Maybe read the article? Just a thought.

The writer didn't put that on the homepage.

You put that picture and headline on the homepage. Fantastic job on not spoiling it for people.

If someone said they didn't like Bill Paxton, for me it would be game over man, game over.

It can be two things.

I'm not clear on how twitter works but why is anyone following the feed of , well, any large company? Who needs to know immediately what GM or whomever are blethering about?

Well, that's the opinion of a head wound and a bottle of vodka.
Anyone else?

I keep reading this in the hope of finding sarcasm or something.

Errrm IV is this reviewers username? Because I put this under spoiler tags in the review comments and was told no by IV.

Ahh, okay. So burying your head untill it's too late to do anything? Gotcha. He's said he's doing it. A hell of a lot of Americans voted for it out of sheer racism. Both houses are Republican. But no, you can wait a couple of years to protest.
While his misogyny and racism is normalised. While his cabinet of monsters

So, you think the wall, to pick one example, isn't bonkers?

Make a suggestion then. Honestly, there's a contact email if you've got better ideas.

You can email them with links. I've done that before.

I had just copied that to paste down here as well. Brilliant.

Well, thanks for that insight. I'm sure that will be handy for everyone.

The internet lied to me? Dagnabit.

That would have been better. Almost anything would have been. Apart from plants causing it for no reason. Nothing is out-stupiding that.

The twist is worse. Bruce Willis' character from Unbreakable saves them. Apparently

Yes, much better to watch Cool Cat saves The Kids , now that was a quality production.