El Marinero

I assume yours is too? :)

When I get back to land to watch it

I just hope it's still out in 3 weeks

Excellent point. I probably shouldn't have clicked. Am I part of the problem here? I should probably just steer clear. Is there a way to just get notifications for pop culture newswires?

I don't know anything about Vanity Fair but I'm sure I'd have heard if they were a far-right magazine. Why are they giving it the oxygen of publicity?

You really are a broken toy, aren't you?

Musical sex toy maybe? Although that probably already exists doesn't it?

What about it?

Who the heck are the Parents Television Council? Any organisation that considers parenthood to be a qualification is not to be trusted or listened to. Looking at you, one million moms.

I could get into a whole list of why an empathetic human being should be unhappy about the US president but it would be wasted on you.

So, is Believe good? I've never heard of it but if I'm going to judge someone by the company they keep, then Believe must be a mensch.

What's your position on bears?


Obviously, she's a little lower on the "What is up with Americans?" list than your president and spray-on cheese but Anna Faris is still on it.

To play devil's advocate here, Trump's (or his people's) response to this would be
"Well, they were deported and now their family are billionaires. Stop painting our deportations as an evil. Those with skills and hard work will make a success of themselves. The terrorists/bad hombres/whatever won't. So it's a good

There's a chrome extension that shows them. I don't know how you'd get a total

Why do you visit this site? Is low key trolling fun? I mean if you're aiming at funny it's nice to get some validation occasionally.
Looking at your history you don't get any. The indifference to your posts are overwhelming. You aren't even getting downvotes.

Anne Heche is still alive? Good for her.

My lifegoal is now to be referred to by a journalist as a "noted Muppet enthusiast"

They probably think the Russian flag is that one with the hammer and sickle.