El Marinero

So, is Ted Nugent the infected taint of the musical world?

"If you've got 10 billion dollars, you're not hiring hookers"

…without them, there wouldn’t be Spielberg, Ridley Scott or me,”

White House Down is the second best Die Hard movie. It's great.

Not unless they've stopped doing it, it hasn't. And let's face it. They haven't.

He can get you that for 66% less praying than a date with Ashton Kutcher

Any chance of asking the producers what the fvck they're playing at? It would be a nice follow up. Does the AV Club have contacts with producers? Or Marie Claire or whoever. This is pretty disgusting and should really be a 'drag the producer' over the coals' thing

You're on the internet. Look it up.

Here's Maher being mocked for making a stupid comparison. There is literally film of people giving nazi salutes and saying "Heil Trump"

First paragraph.

Errrm. Can you explain that in a way that isn't offensive?

Nobody compared Romney to Hitler.

He must know his food is full of special ingredients, yeah? If he's a regular I would have pre-jizzed muffins on stand by.

It was a Massive Attack on his psyche.

People like music. They don't need 'a discussion' to enjoy it. Critics insinuating that without them you aren't getting the full experience is nonsense.

If Tom Arnold had said he had dirt on Obama I'd have ignored it because … he's Tom Arnold. He doesn't have credibility just because he's against someone I hate.

On the one hand, good for Scotland if they can. On the other, they aren't close to qualifying financially and if they did leave England and Wales would never ever get the tories out ever again.

Like Rife and her "In a better world Brad Pitt would have had his career ruined by unproven allegations" bit.

Yes, not even tacitly really which is odd. Are you allowed to rip stuff off as long as you have less money than them?

I'm not sure what cape means as a verb.