El Marinero

Brexit and Trump aren't bad for half of one country. Their internationally bad. Half the country didn't understand this at the time but they're learning.
As the cuts and uncertainty bite people will die that otherwise would have lived.
In America, women,minorities and LGBT people have had to learn that half the country

You say that, but where were the great things? They're thinner on the ground than last year. I haven't seen Rogue One yet but that's my last hope for a Fury Road type unimpeachable classic fun film.
Lemonade is good but not To Pimp A Butterfly or even Emotion good.
Oh and there was Brexit and DONALD TRUMP WAS ELECTED

Don't Breathe gets a spot but Hush doesn't?
Hush was far better and didn't rely on inconsistencies to get to it's conclusion. (The blind guy's hearing is thrown by an alarm but is unaffected by firing a large handgun in an enclosed space?)

He's taking the piss out of Trump. Someone tells him to change the subject. They're probably a Trump supporter

How does a human being say "an ecosystem of partner content" without immediately shutting down in despair?

I was really hoping for a more savage takedown.

We know, a wizard did it.

Worse. It's definitely worse

"Most transgender people are indeed mentally ill. There is also the fact that all this issue is blown out of proportion. How much "transgender" people are there ? I never even met one in my life"

Where? Russia?

"Another"? Eh?


A lot of us non-Americans keep wondering what's right with Trump? A lot of Americans voted for him (not most, which , kudos) and the rest of the world is really hoping that they saw something we didn't and Trump won't be as bad as we think. Every single day more and more news comes in that , yes, he is that bad and

I have a problem with what appears to be an article written entirely at the behest of sponsors. Nobody thinks this is one of the album's of the year. The AV Club itself gave it a C-
C- is a blah album. It's not even an interestingly terrible album. It's forgettable.
Amazon's algorithm suggesting that targeted

"It could have been any album"

Hymns is one of the records of the year?

*invests in wax cylinders*

It's Dowd. So it's an A in English.

No. His album sucked

Fuck me gently, it is.