El Marinero

So, do you think he is that ignorant and repellent or is he playing ignorant for votes? I'm not sure which is worse, mind.

Plug two?

Aye, but did you see that dog? The cuteness justified scores of murder.

It's a shame this is late. It needs way more attention

It'll turn into a furry convention really quickly.

The article doesn't say they're Australian. It says the author is a writer of 'largely Australia based music titles' 'largely, not exclusively.

*koff* Bryan Adams, Avril Lavigne

Accidentally posted in the middle of writing, d'oh

Wow, let the hate flow through you. "Such a nothing role it may as well have been played by Christine Taylor."Ouch

Wow, let the hate flow through you. "Such a nothing role it may as well have been played by Christine Taylor" Ouch.

She didn't want to just kill her, she wanted her to know she was being killed.

He'd be paying her a compliment by saying her records are dull?

It wasn't an opinion, it was an accusation.

Troll/idiot tomayto/tomahto

Vegas sounds pricey. Unless you live there already. I am intrigued by the Cameron Diaz aspect though

Or at a registry office then go for Italian food with some friends. That seemed to work fine.

They're both going to fuck the poor. If you're white you'll be slightly less fucked. Clinton isn't going to use religious nutjobbery

He didn't say anything pro Clinton to be fair. You accept that Trump is worse.
I think while Clinton is bad, Trump will break things that won't be fixable in my lifetime

Yep. Orders of magnitude less though and unfortunately you only have two options. Which sucks but there it is.