El Marinero

Educated young people will not vote for Trump. They might not vote at all. If Trump wins it will be through apathy. I think it's reasonable to encourage political engagement.

So you're white , Christian and comfortable financially? And lack empathy for those that aren't.
Otherwise Trump is by far a worse threat.

So, do you think Trump is a scary prospect as President?

So you agree with Burns but would boo him?

Yep, that would be the level of intelligent discourse I'd expect from a Trump supporter

That's spot on.

The 'Whitey Bulger' one manages to be laboured without making sense.
If it falls out it isn't bulging is it? It has to be in to make it bulge out. That's what that word means. Which is kind of important for a pun.

I know you're going for sarcasm but yes. A completely serious yes.

Didn't he just do a war film where he was clean shaven?

You just needed 'mass debate'

He's the guy who can fire you. So you say nowt.

James Cameron is a coq that has repeatedly endangered his casts and crew. He also makes fantastically profitable films. Only one of these things is paid attention to by the studios

Penny Dreadful?

He gives profitable returns. The studios don't give a damn if he treats the cast and crew like crap if he makes a profit.

No, it really isn't

Not allowed. It's health and safety gone mad.

Nobody ever played power chords when I went in helicopters to rigs. I feel cheated.

Any sentence with the structure " I'm not xxxx, but….." is a world of terrible.

I'm wondering how bad something happening to Depp has to be before they don't snark. Is a car accident still fair game? Hopefully they draw the line at a terminal illness.
The guy's still a human being, he made Mortdecai, he didn't murder people.