El Marinero

IF all the guys in your circle are dicks that's 'dick conformity' I just didn't appreciate the straight = uncultured equivalency.

That's not gender conformity, that's just your immediate population.
The idea that 'straight' equals 'macho' is a dying idea. I'm guessing it's predominantly a rural thing as well.

Did they ever get to collaborate with Linda Ronstadt?

Oh, it's another one of those "Here's something connected to that massive, viral thing everyone is talking about" articles where I have no bloody clue what they're on about. From the title I thought it was about a band called Chewbacca Mom.

Good grief. I'd save that as a last resort.

On recommendations from here started Sense8 and Galavant.
Sense8 was described as "one of your weird shows" by La Marinera so I'll be watching that one on my own. Galavant went down a treat though.

Give the Space Pope a shout

Fair enough. More for them that wants it

Ohhhhh he is.

We're quick enough to jump on Adam Sandler or whoever for churning out shit for money so fair dos.
Let me know when Sam Mendes gets his terrible hands off Bond. Then I'm interested

A solid family unit that hasn't split up or had affairs. Parents that work to the point of exhaustion to provide for their kids.
Yep, terrible.

No, it's the public's fault. It's nearly always their fault.

The risks of vaccination she goes on about are not 'infinitesimal' they're 'made up'. Important difference, don't give that crap even the slightest credence.

Bang on. This is another naked attempt to troll Breitbart and Salon types and get those page views up. See also "Disney needs a gay princess" which was a reasonable point terribly made and " Daria having skinny legs causes eating disorders" which was just baffling.

The smaller version of the U-wing looks like a Ten gallon hat.
As it's a Jr U-Wing

If we wanted to be exposed to.this shit we'd go to Fucking breitbart. We don't do that. Knock it off

I was warned off that one by my friend and he was a huge fan of all his other books

Now I know it's a loose adaptation I'm much more interested. Porno is really weak.

No, that was Surf's Up

Katie Rife seems like she's being extra careful about the NSFW warning. Wonder why?