El Marinero

But Europe isn't (as) nuts. We don't need metal detectors in schools.

Weird the cleaning spray is only a tenner. If you've found someone stupid enough to spend 15K on a dildo then surely you can gouge them on sprays and cloths and what have you.

She has some potential arranged marriage contenders. And sacks that right off

The only purpose of a princess is to continue a royal line. Maybe just have no royals. That might be a good idea.

It's not nitpicking. If you're going to make the argument for inclusiveness, (and you should) don't give assholes an out.
"We already did x and you're still not happy, you guys are just whiny"
Get the ducks in a row first, then go forward.

I don't remember Merida having a potential love interest. They were trying to marry her off but she was not having that crap.

In 2016, how likely are you to get to the actual studio floor of a US broadcaster with a concealed weapon?

I thought it was fascinating to watch, if a tad incoherent. Hiddleston might just be my favourite acting Tom with a surname beginning with H now.
FWIW, I didn't realise Elizabeth Moss wasn't English so I'm not sure where the 'very bad accent' criticism is coming from.

Eagle Eye where someone translates speech from the ripples in a glass of water.

Not sure. I'm at 16 years and counting

Watt do you mean?


I think Stephanie Meyers was at the head of the queue on botching detail. Everyone else just piled on.

You should also check his prostate while you're on

It's the Sickboy theory in full effect I'm afraid.

When I smoked , I was always annoyed by characters denoting stress by taking two draws then stubbing it out. Jesus,they're 6 quid a packet, are you made of money?

Is a sex tap what you use to fill a sex cauldron?

"We are public figures.."

I'm glad we can curse freely here. Me saying this was absolutely fvcking sh!t might cause confusion.