“pudgy fingers blasting off a misfire”? Well, who hasn’t done that?
“pudgy fingers blasting off a misfire”? Well, who hasn’t done that?
SPOILER ALERT: It turns out that Luigi was never real, and only existed in Mario’s mind. Also, at the beginning, Mario adopts a child, and it turns out to be a grown-ass, murderous Russian Toad pretending to be a child. Also, Bruce Willis was dead the whole time.
Improvements that need to be made to the A.V. Club and Kinja to improve page views, bring back readers, and revive the community:
It’s pretty obvious that Daredevil remains the big draw of that corner of Marvel/Netflix.
Is Little Richard seriously still alive? That guy’s awesome.
I worked as a temporary assistant for the head of Shout Factory during Katrina and one of my jobs was to keep him updated on Fats Domino’s status.
I honestly don’t think so. Russia was in its early days under Stalin in the mid to late 1930s but had peaceful relations with Germany. The story didn’t change from novella to film one to film two. So you can definitely retcon that interpretation but I don’t think it fits the facts of the time.
I was excited to watch 1922 because I enjoy Thomas Jane until I found out it’s a Stephen King story. Was it as depressing as it sounds?
There are few men on this Earth that can play a cargo ship’s captain, a shrimper, a castaway, a WWII soldier, a kid, a guy trapped inside an airport, an astronaut, a PWA, an FBI agent, an attorney, a gangster father and a toy cowboy who can right a book of short stories and be one of the most decent of fellows.
Dr. Cox licks his pen and finds it tastes broken. He tosses the pen in his mouth and coughs up the Janitor. The Janitor scrubs the patient while Dr. Cox watches JD and Turk on TV. Scrubs is on.
No. There was an infamous Halloween storyline that posited this (which I believe is what O’Neal is referring to here), but it was, as one might expect, ultimately revealed to have been “all a dream.”
As a Memphian, ‘Mystic Stylez’ will always be the perfect soundtrack for this city’s haunted, collapsing industrial dystopia. Especially at night. ;)
Oh my goodness, how cute, the AV Club has embraced the pull quote. Finally, we get to see golden nuggets of snark all blown up in block print so we know exactly which snarks are the snarkiest.
Regarding the situation at hand, Kate Beckinsale making the decision to not go to Weinstein’s hotel room almost certainly enabled her to avoid being assaulted. I’m not saying all assaults can be avoided. But it’s not victim blaming to suggest doing the things you yourself say you already do. Drinking with your…
I totally agree with this. I believe every word that Cross says here, it makes perfect sense. It is also totally offensive in the context that it happened, so he still should be apologizing for coming off as a racist, not simply explaining it away and insisting he isn’t racist. The recipient is the one who was…
Two thoughts:
And no mention of Brotha Lynch Hung. Pretty glaring oversight.
Why are these sort of lyrics “fine” in the various extreme metal genres, yet deserves castigation in hip-hop? I mean, why target this particular sub-genre instead of every other black metal, death metal, etc. metal band writing very similar lyrics?
No, we need the code because we got that close and then dad made us put on Cheers.