Ellsworth 2e

I agree that some of those descriptors come from a misogynistic place (shrill and caustic particularly) but that should not insulate her from fair criticism for example ‘robotic’ since during debates she gave very stage rehearsed performances and never deviated outside the perimeters when some more nuance was required

Jesus, people are still trying to blame everything but Hillary Clinton herself for Hillary Clinton’s loss. What’s next, you going to pull the “If you voted third party YOU’RE JUST AS MUCH TO BLAME” card too? How far down the rabbit hole does this still have to go before maybe admitting that Clinton wasn’t the great

Are you familiar with the phrase, “The banality of evil”? It’s the central lesson of the 20th century? That anyone can fall prey to ideology and commit atrocities? And we should examine it, polite manners and all, and that the concept that examining it is some how an endorsement/normalization is insidious? Because it

What scares me is, this rate-a-human Black Mirror/MeowMeowBeenz dystopia - where we’re all assigned some sort of inescapable rating that can fuck-up our lives - seems not only possible but highly probable (as another commenter pointed out, the Chinese government is trying to implement something similar). There are

 EDIT: Goddammit. Fucking Kinja images won’t work for me. So just imagine the glory of: cornballer-every-time.gif

Go to almost any public elementary school. Watch the bullies rule the yard during recess. These behaviors are learned young.

That was definitely refreshing, and not exclusively in regards to women. How many movie and TV show plots revolve around a parent who just needs to stop working so hard and spend time with their kids? As if most parents (Moms or Dads) wouldn’t MUCH rather spend time with their kid than whatever soul-crushing job

There’s an interactive game at Magic Kingdom in Disney World called Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom that totally reminds me of this game. It’s all controlled by cameras and holding up spell cards but my nine year old son loves playing it anyhow. The animation of the scenes always reminds me of Dragon’s Lair. Although

“Chances are if you played Dragon’s Lair, hearing that organ sound conjures a Pavlovian response deep from your repressed memories that makes you want to hit something.”

Now playing

I miss when game shows would give away a metal detector as a prize. Those were the days.

I remember seeing people beat the game all timer in the 80's. A crowd would form around them.

I beat it, but only because I had it on a computer. Even when you had it and knew what direction to hit and when sometimes it would still kill you and wipe away 10 min of perfection.

I can still, to this day, beat Dragon’s Lair on a single credit.

Now playing

During a summer vacation, I must have spent 30 dollars on Cliff Hanger, never could beat the ninjas

I gave up of DL pretty quickly, and instead fed all my quarters to Gauntlet.

Ghosts n Goblins is still my all-time rage-inducer. This was a close 2nd (although I think it was 89 or 90 by the time I played it).

Here’s the REAL bullshit from Stranger Things! DigDug high score is “MadMax”. What a LOAD OF CRAP! You had three friggin letters. It could only be ‘mad’ OR ‘max’. There’s no way in hell it could be ‘MadMax’.

Maybe not in arcade but I beat this game many a times on Sega CD. Once you knew the motions it was that bad. There was another game called Time Girl on Sega CD and I learned that one well enough to beat it without the blinking prompts lol.

The title of this article is exactly what I yelled at the television when that scene aired.