Ellsworth 2e

So, are there more Nazis or more communists? In this post you suggest liberals are swarming like ants, but in another post you insist there are more of you than of them. You can’t be a controlling power and an oppressed minority at the same time. And it’s tough to portray your audience as the aggressors when your

We’re all pawns in their game.

The intro sequence conveys pretty much all of that.

He was ubiquitous. And yet the only thing I remember seeing him in was “My Name is Bill W” which I was forced to watch in an alcohol class I was forced to attend.

One Day at a Time. The show wasn’t bad, I guess, but I have no memories of it beyond what appears in the theme song montage. And that theme song is dope.

Somehow the people at the top never go broke when their company does. When do we hear “This has gone very badly, but it isn’t your fault. So I’m laying myself off.” But I agree that we don’t yet know what’s true here. We don’t even know what’s alleged.

Huh. I thought fuel injection had made that a thing of the past.

I think it depends on how he’s portrayed. I couldn’t even finish Daredevil season 2, so I can’t comment on the current take, but as a character he gives us an opportunity to discuss the merits of such behavior. That seems useful. Personally I’ve never viewed the Punisher as a good guy.

As I emerged through the kinja birth canal, all memories of my previous Ellsworths were wiped out. We were never meant to exist in multiple dimensions. You’ll go mad if you try.

As with Cosby, it might be a little late to ruin this guy’s career. The end of it maybe. He might get taken down a peg but he’s already on the 4 billionth peg. I hate how these people have gotten away with this crap for so long, all while deciding the fates of other people’s careers.

And yet we are talking about them... specifically about the way cinematography relates to them, and whether depictions of valor and virtue can safely be considered anti-boner.

We were already talking about boners. Boners are on the table.

So if Wonder Woman’s strength and courage produce a boner, or at least substantially contribute to the boner, where does that leave us? Is the gaze less male because it landed in a more acceptable place? Or is the gaze equivalently male but somehow less wrong?

It seemed like his Texanity was more defining than his politics. At least in the early years. And while the show wanted us to like Hank, it also wanted us to like Bobby.

They might check your address. Some rural areas out west don’t even have fire departments. If you live in a jurisdiction that does, then yes, you enjoy its protection. But that’s by political arrangement, not by right. Just ask the firefighters’ union!

Great to hear about the return of B&T! As for your TV show, I need it to be on a broadcast channel below 6 or above 54.

I like to think there really aren’t many of them, that it’s just a handful of fuckheads who won’t shut up.

Your suggestions range from prohibitively expensive to pointless. But you probably aren’t recommending the elimination of “treatments” in general, unless I’m reading you wrong.

People want the system that works in other developed countries. That means single payer. The payment system doesn’t need to be taking a cut, that’s where a lot of our money is going. No need to reinvent the wheel here. We just need to stop using a sledge when everyone else has wheels.

Yes they are. My parents recently overheard my brother in the middle of a date.