I agree.
I agree.
I freak out whenever I hear “demographics” because I don’t believe that road ends in victory. Obama carried plenty of rural white districts, and nobody likes to be spoken for (or spoken to) based on what they look like.
She took for granted that she would win all the midwestern swing states without trying. She was wrong and that mistake cannot be repeated.
Wine is liberal? You’ve got to be kidding me. Laughing is liberal? Well, OK maybe that one.
She didn’t even try to sell any progressive economic ideas, certainly not to the people in the states that needed to hear them. So it’s not so much an issue of her physical presence, it’s that her lack on interest in addressing those states’ problems was made clear by her lack of physical presence.
Ninjago is Lego trying to build its own narrative franchise, which is not what Lego is good at. And the focus on ninjas seems decades overdue. That hit the parody stage in the early 90s, didn’t it? Are ninjas a big deal again?
I think that’s the wrong question. It’s tricky saying anyone has a “right” to the services of another. Single payer healthcare is the only rational way forward, the only way our country can stay competitive. We don’t have a “right” to fire departments, yet it would still be ludicrous to manage them through a…
It’s not ideal. You’re supposed to be the one taking care of his daughter now so a certain degree of failure is implied. Then again, plenty of people would take that cushy job in a heartbeat, pride be damned. It’s hardly slavery.
If only we all had such an awful backup plan just waiting around for us.
That doesn’t make it any less of a kindness. Maybe she deserves to be fought off, told off, abandoned. But not today.
Joseph Sugarman was a monster, no doubt. But I’m not buying that or any of this as an excuse for Bea’s behavior. So... she doesn’t like Nice Guys and she likes having servants. Both of those ideas bit her in the ass.
I so wanted to mention this in the last review... here again we see Princess Carolyn crossing a big ethical line. I’m not trying to be her nemesis here, I’m really not. She’s a great character. I just want to see her have some realizations, because her bad moments are as bad as anybody’s on the show.
Maybe they just needed a story for the PB household to revolve around this season and nothing else jumped out at them.
Relatively so. I grade them on a curve, although Mr. PB almost ruins it.
It’s not completely outside her MO but it seems like a bit much. I don’t think she’d want to be party to an assault, even a fake one.
I guess there’s a viewpoint from which she was doing him a favor, but Todd’s viewpoint was never it. And her whole purpose in choosing Todd was to highlight his lower class status.
I just don’t get how PC has become a paragon of virtue in this universe. She treats people like game pieces and has to be called out on that once per season.
It seems like a relatively petty concern, both in general and in this episode.
People seem to be fetishizing this character to a point that it robs her of complexity and agency. It’s too bad because there’s a lot going on here.