
If you completely disregard 30 years of peer-reviewed research on the subject, then yeah, the artificial light in your environment has *zero* impact on your health and wellbeing. The shitty, mismatched tube lights in most corporate work pens are a prime example - companies that take the time to improve lighting see

Do people really care so little about themselves that they’ll just stick a potato in the socket as long as it lights up?

Most of the complaints I hear from people about LED longevity can be summarized in one of two points:

- They bought the wrong bulb for the function. Don’t shove an incandescent bulb replacement into a recessed fixture, just get the retrofits.
- They bought the ABSOLUTELY cheapest bulb available, most frequently a

Temperature: You should, of course, adjust to suit your own preferences, but here’s a guide

This also isn’t a surprise as an iOS dev.

Whenever I see projects like this, I think about how many hours my dad would spend hammering on our vintage Cortez motorhomes, and he was a trained Diesel and Electrical mechanic with twenty years of acquired tools.

Then I look at projects like this with a Craftsman socket set and a hammer in the corner, and I remember

I’m convinced half the busses for sale on the internet are from people who thought ‘I could build my own RV!’ and decided the best plan was to buy a big yellow bus instead of shop the vintage/used RV market.

I know a guy with a slick short bus conversion, but he did literally everything himself - custom cabinetry is a

This is as stupid, pointless, and sheeple-ish as the ‘Disclaimers and Legal Notices’ that my extended family post on Facebook every 6 months hoping that CopyPasta from their idiot friends will somehow protect them from the spirits of the internet like a Q-Anon Totem.

It’s the kind of critical thinking that *clearly*

Jon Batiste’s We Are, which made virtually no cultural impact when it was released in 2021, won Album of the Year? K.

What kind of person has an *incredibly* unflattering documentary get made, and then decides ‘you know what, maybe this time with a reality tv series on a channel known for trash, it won’t show how gross our incredibly detached lives look.’

Former engineer for IBM. Sure, she seems like she can bang more than 2 loose

I really wish they hadn’t added that verbiage specifically regarding the differential between the front and rear bumper.

Because they should just start ticketing everyone that jacks their car up more than 2-3 inches. Starting with the stilt-y Brodozers...


Look, the Oil Companies *realllllly* don’t need to bait out stock buybacks to get people to own shares. Most of the smart money seems to be more than willing to hold Dirty, Dirty Oil!  for the next few years, as the Green Revolution will take decades still, and dino juice is a really attractive

Really? Because I read your comment, saw all the grammar errors, and rolled up expecting this to be some sort of bastard HamNo article cross posted somehow.

Instead, it seems to be a reasonably topical piece about the big money coming from Ford because of future-tech investment, and how a shitty has-been dick is trying

It’s an article about traffic at a famously Homophobic restaurant that is run and frequented by Red State toadies.

What the fuck did you expect to happen in the comments?

There have been several fender benders because people get really upset by the idea someone might be able to legally turn onto a street and get in line for a chicken sandwich ahead of them.

90% of the drive-thru at any given chick-fil-et is Red State Suburbs trash.

Police don’t ticket their own.

Starship Troopers is a *great* movie, but watching it with someone who doesn’t realize it’s a farce is... fascinating.

Look, you can stan for this ‘folk hero’ script-kiddie Black Hat shit all you want, but at the end of the day he’s a Black Hat.

And there’s nothing more satisfying than when a Black Hat who likes bragging gets FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKED.

No, but first gen Roadsters are going to end up being the only collectable Teslas.

Like, there’s 0 enthusiast appeal in a used base spec E-class, there’s not going to be that much interest in ragged out S’s.

I’ve seen more than my fair share of interesting/unique aircraft puttering around DIA’s more obscure runways, but every time there’s an Antonov on the ground, it’s *EXCITING.*

Sad to see they blew up one of them :(*