
It was like the Weeknd wanted one show that was all about him

There’s a reason why every ‘commercial’ mining operation has to be set up somewhere they can take advantage of sub-market power rates - it’s simply not profitable to plug a space heater into your home circuit and cross your fingers that you are still above water by the end of the month.

Back in the old days where

These guys are fun to go out to drinks with.

On Friday they’re buying a round for everyone cause everything’s flying high. By Monday they’re bumming cash for lunch because it all fell apart. Wash/Rinse/Repeat.

but a largely ignored truth is that merit-based rewards still do exist out there for those willing to do the grind.

“The worst take you could have from watching me go all-in on Twitter 2.0 is that my optimism or hard work was a mistake,” she said. “Those who jeer & mock are necessarily on the sidelines and not in the arena. I’m deeply proud of the team for building through so much noise & chaos.”

Some consider it sacrilege to wrap a relleno in a wonton skin before frying, I’m just sitting here wondering what the Italian version would taste like...

My immediate response, what 15 year old needs a car to drive to the fucking mine anyways.

PA sure has it’s priorities on straight >.>

Trying to pass off a fake of an extremely rare car, with the same VIN as a well-known example already in a collection? That was offered earlier and already had red flags? That’s fucking ballsy.

I’m not telling you that you or your family shouldn’t be enjoying it.

But if repetitive combat, a map full of collectibles and in-crowd references, and a largely one-dimensional story are what it takes to keep you entertained, Ubisoft has been shitting out Assassin’s Creed games for more than a decade now.

It’s a

Alternatively, YUM! is *EXTREMLY* effective at cutting high-cost low-volume stuff that increases efficiency while also triggering underground hype campaigns to drive free advertising. Losing the fringe customers that don’t actually make real repeat revenue for them is just a bonus.

If I hear one more of my insufferably

We visited Kakawa during our Santa Fe arts weekend a few years ago, and it is *TOTALLY* worth the hype.

So good we went twice.

It’s a puzzling move

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the store employees not knowing that their store was about to implode is the most likely explanation.

Followed shortly by ‘if you’re not on this list, you’re going to be on the next one!’

You are forgiven forgotten Uri Geller.

Just because you read the reddit threads doesn’t mean you’re a shitheel.

But it’s pretty easy to assume that anyone with 2 braincells and a conscience isn’t going to spend much time there. You lie down with dogs, you get fleas.

Why do people who try to posit a defense of ‘Men’s Rights’ always inevitably sound like someone trying to argue that not all Holocaust Deniers are bad people?

What I’m saying is just sit down dude. You’re defending the baddies.

You might be genuinely surprised how many containers go off the side of a ship and literally the only people who find out or care are the owner of the container and the insurance company, if they bother to file.

Also, there are literally thousands of containers of this industrial precursor in transit at any time. It’s

Vending machines are actually the perfect example of why this is the dumbest fucking idea so far this session.

Your Snickers bar might cost .0000052BTC when you push the button, but by the time it actually dispenses it, it’s going to cost 72BTC.

What I’m saying is Fuck Ted Cruz.

MS, Alphabet, and Meta both looked much more favorable to investors after they announced their cuts.

As long as you don’t change your revenue projections for next year, decreasing headcount is free money baby!

It’s a one-stop shop for escalation and notification workflows. It integrates into our ticketing and monitoring systems and pages the appropriate resources - through Push, SMS, and actual Phone Calls - whenever a SLA is close to being broken.

It’s a sweet product, I’m saddened to hear it’s helmed by this idiot...