I’m not even going to bother looking at the rest of the games to argue with you, I finally bought my own copy of Disco this AM when I saw it was $10.
I’m not even going to bother looking at the rest of the games to argue with you, I finally bought my own copy of Disco this AM when I saw it was $10.
How a Food Influencer Makes Money
You’d have a more valid complaint about the fact we’re trying to dress up 14 hour fast food shifts as ‘humane’ if you hadn’t devolved to the knee-jerk dogwhistle.
Most people - and I mean a hilariously overwhelming number - don’t give a fuck about what some idiot named Cathy did a long time ago when it comes to a quick…
These ‘last gasp of internal combustion’ models all have the same fundamental problem - when Gas is 6$ a gallon, these are the owners who will be first in line to complain about how they can’t afford to drive their cars anymore.
When even Dodge has realized the party is fucking over, it’s well past time for Ford to…
NY may look blue on a map, but the parts outside NYC are Deliverance-worthy...
You’re assuming that you render all of the water out of the food during the cooking process, and that beef and mushrooms have the same caloric profile if you can successfully dehydrate them.
Both assumptions are incorrect.
You speak reason and truth, from experience.
I expect you to be fanatically ignored.
I was wondering the same thing when I saw articles about him on other sites start appearing on my feeds.
Now I see it’s been DAYS! and they still haven’t addressed it. Can’t say I’m surprised given current editorial management, but I am disappointed
You think she’s ‘buying a 7-11 for the lulz’ rich by just giving hints?
Japan has given us the cultural template for this shit for decades now. I’m not saying Musk’s depopulation ramblings have merit, but there’s an awful lot of people there who think it’s perfectly acceptable to have a ‘relationship’ with a pillow or a youtube chatbot >.>
Because I can make 30-50% more than in most other parts of the country, including other large cities.
He also drew comparisons to Josh Brolin and Mel Gibson as actors who’ve been accused of domestic abuse in the past
‘former’ - was going to say the same thing...
That’s the part of this that no one seems to understand - the biggest damage of the Trump years wasn’t what the big orange shithead did himself, it was what the circle of power around him got away with because there were no fucking adults in the room.
It’s Bush 3.0.
I feel bad for people who paid money for a buggy game, but it’s hard to feel *TOO* bad for people who paid money for the half-assed port of an 18-year-old game that was notoriously buggy the first time it came out, just because it’s a Star Wars property on the Switch.
Also, and this is a delicate subject these days, I’m…
I... I think you just pitched a successful indie game.
Ohhhhhhhhhhh the edgy ‘you believe in the Religion of SCIENCE’ argument.
Revolutionary France called, they want their stupid hot takes back.
Like every other major religion, it complicated.
The problem isn’t even the source material, it’s that a huge percentage of adults on this planet believe children’s stories and fairy tales to such an extent that they are willing to commit genocide multiple times throughout history.
Religion is fine when it’s a warm blanket for people who don’t want to acknowledge…