
I'm not sure if it's unfortunate, or just awesome that some of the best artistic applications of this will come from nudity.

@minimaltek: Anyone who has ever been associated with the Journal publishing business, ever. This is just getting more publicity than most.

@SpikeJnz - Arbiter of Awesome: God the visual design of this series still amazes me. Truly one of the highlights of the golden age of anime.

This screwed up traffic for HOURS. All over the local news.

@Ben Zvan: I think a certain cable internet provider would face a rather large lawsuit from one of my very very tech savy employers the first time they even TRIED to open one of my packets.

@ithrewitontheground: If History is any indicator, the Pantech is better overall by far. I'll be grabbing one of the LG's to play with at work, but I anticipate our bulk order will be the Pantechs.

@geekymitch: God, I would order about 25 the first day for my company. Too many whiny executives can't watch youtube on the golf course..

"Preserve your batteries"

@SSgtTEX: Vista wasn't as slow on high end machines, but it was clunky as all get out. This from someone who is used to bad interfaces...

@Xander Crews: I love 3 inch pumps on a tall woman next to the short rich troll she's sleeping with till he keels over.

@signups4: You can actually find Swiss 2 axial's for less than 5k if you look hard and used.

This from the company that wanted to own all devices connected to their network.

@me282: I would imagine it is relatively trivial to use a combination of GPS, telemetry, flight data recordings, and any kind of mandatory video surveillance to accomplish this.

@∞Gïmmï∞Mørgäikkøŋëŋ∞: You're both underestimating the impact of CC and variable driver input, especially on large highway cruisers with large engines.

@aaronlbeltran: I am a decently paid IT guy who happened to do a 2 year stint in my late teens for something involving criminal negligence.

@$kaycog: I want to attend your parties now.