Next up on the FDA's hit list: Irish Coffee.
Next up on the FDA's hit list: Irish Coffee.
@svMaster: 6'5. 315#. Expensive tailored suit, briefcase. $300 shoes on the conveyor. Haven't been stopped once.
@Whack-a-mole: While I respect your sentiment, from a design perspective, Cadillac is on track to redefine high end American motoring. Catering to the "big and comfy" crowd for 40 years almost killed the brand, and they needed a HUGE injection of change to break out of the mold. Cadillac never competed with anyone…
@Quotidian_Hr: What is that, and how do I buy one this afternoon?
@IfOnlyIHadTheMoney: Put that in a Roadster, and I will move to Italy. Or Germany.
@916CALLTURK: Jack Ryan and Unnamed from Layer Cake.
In ascending order of daddy's wallet -
@BahamaTodd: Are you sure? Looks a lot like CV joint connectors just ahead of the mounts.
@Robert Anhalt: I am positing that as an IT admin, I will be blocking FB Mail at work when it is released.
Corporate IT guy says facebook webmail is automatically blocked at work.
@-zargon-: I'm an IT admin, and I approve this message. We really can't justifiably block gmail, but facebook is right out.
@blyan-reloaded: Not buying music on iTunes, because they screwed me over years ago. Beatport satisfies most of my legal download desires.
@blyan-reloaded: Alternative solution - Just don't buy DRM'd files?
No .mov. I.e., It doesn't support all your crappy apple formats?
@ITLawMan: That's irritating. Still arguably the best way to clear out bunkers...
@hawkeye18 is not from Iowa: Would be surprised if there is not a standard pintle-mount flamethrower somewhere you could strap on.
@Peter Shultz: I miss these lock articles. Nothing interesting has been written in the last year or so :(
@dlinkwit27: It's sad, because the high end ones aren't blinding. It's the idiots who put HID in the wrong reflectors, or who aim way up high who give this a bad rap.
Everything on this list is better than the last list. Congrats.