
Except I have a USB floppy and a pair of US Robotics 56k modems sitting at my desk right now, both less than 6 mos old. You would be amazed how many major infrastructure projects still have one of these "relics" as a core part of their design. Big telco's use the modems as loopback controls on big data lines - your 10

Sure. Manuals provide more "passion" more "soul" more "connectedness to the driving experience" more "rewarding feeling for doing it right."

More details! While I hope everyone comes out ok - who do we get to blame? I don't think it's the Rent-A-Vette driver, and the BMW on the right looks rear-ended. The tail of the Porsche up ahead is conspicuously clean of damage...

Big fast Mercs, BMW's, older (early '00s) Astons, the Quattroporte. So many options that sit at 20% original retail because maintenance is at best a crap shoot - and at worst, just getting shot. My personal has got to be something like the W216 CL65 AMG. The car is retarded fast, nice, comfortable, and if maintenance

You misspelt "F-e-r-r-a-r-i" parts. And service. /Shudder.

Gah. Half the fun (or more?) of a 16v is the engine. I would love the power of an LS, but you are adding a LOT of weight to the front end.

My Cossie was 4500, with a REALLY nice interior and no major body defects. Paint was a little oxidized, but the engine looked clean, tires were good. And the mechanic I had with me when I bought it said there didn't look to be anything immediately wrong with it.

Jon's actually a really nice guy. I have judged in the Magic community for years, and I tend to preface that in a date discussion with "yeah, I travel all over the world, a dozen times a year, on the company dime." Usually, I'm not dating the shallow type of vapid, uninteresting predisposed skank who authored this

I had a job at a rather large company (rhymes with Psycho-loft) and I covered the weekend shift at night doing just this. I had other responsibilities, but 40% of my time (and the reason they needed me in the first place) was swapping drives out. It's crazy having .5TB on a cart you roll around just swapping in and

The article title (and specific premise) is severely flawed - Porsche still wins alot, and video games aren't going to change that. However, the general premise is valid: Despite what any of the over-30's have said (and will say) the exposure my generation has had to cars is GREATLY influenced by the GT/PGR/Forza

The clown shoe is many things. An amazing driving machine, a fantastic story in small volume production before it was popular, or even what happens when you let the inmates take over the asylum. But attractive, even in comparison to the rather funny proportioned 1 series, it is not. 3/4 shots spoil this car, because

I'd enjoy it a lot more if I didn't have this nagging feeling in the back of my head that as this was HEAVILY post produced, there is a good chance every one of those backfire sounds was done on a foley stage and mixed on a board...

As someone with more money than brains at times, I am glad that videos like this exist. I picked up a Nikon D5k last year because I really, really didn't want to buy another Point and Shoot that was effectively obsolete (or even broken) in 2 years. Every time I see a beginners guide like this, I learn a little more to

There's a silver Quattro in good nick that I drive by at least once a week on my way to practice. I would LOVE to pick it up, but I would be parking it next to my 86 190e16v, and mortal man cannot keep 2 awesome 80's german cars with at the time radical technology running at the same time.

The engine swap of the GODS. Like, the only thing better and more batshit, fuck-you money crazy is powering a vintage Bugatti (like a royale or something) with that W16. Wonder if Mr. Polo is interested.

I was going to say that this sounds a lot like my experience in the foothills of Denver. Then you said Colorado - we live in a unique position with I-70 coming down both sides of the divide, and you can tell the sane truckers because they are CRAWLING down on the right lane. You can smell the brakes for miles on a hot

I have a friend with a lower spinal cord injury who used a device very much like this recently in conjunction with an electrolytic ejaculation assist. His wife is now pregnant. With twins.

You do realize you can tell it not to do that, right? Oh wait, you're not IT are you. Then you get to suffer for the millions of idiots who would never update their work machines if we made them blink like police lights and cry like a baby until they did.

I am NOT a creative type (IT Admin) and I LOVE the 3011's. Have 2 of them at home in my office, and they are so nice to open a million things on. Just wish they didn't warm up so much :p

As an IT Admin, I love it when Apple makes my life easier by eliminating the possibility of integrating them into my environment. No internal optical, thanks for playing in the business world.