
You know what's as dumb as texting? Tailgating someone who's texting. You know what's dumber than texting? Continuing to tailgate them after they've already once nearly gotten into a head-on collision.

The description says it's a "toybox world filled with a huge number of puzzles, playthings, adorable creatures and devious machines spread across an epic co-op campaign".

I'm not really seeing it. It just looks like it's trying to be Little Big Planet with a top down view and cel-shaded graphics. But it's not as cute as little big planet, and the gameplay doesn't look as compelling.

I'm not talking about flipping it after a fourier transform. I'm talking about flipping the waveform data. The waveform data would range from 1 to -1, and flipping it would not change that range. It would just make valleys where there were peaks, and peaks where there were valleys.

Negative loudness? What are you talking about? Flipping around the X axis simply changes it so that the speaker cone is out when it should be in, and vice versa. Thus your incoming regions of high and low pressure are converted into regions of low and high pressure.

"This is a guy who has tortured an American citizen for months on end (firing the only member of his staff to publicly criticize the decision), ordered the execution of an American citizen without following due process"

Fourier Transform? Don't you just flip the waveform around the X axis? I doubt that noice canceling headphones have the kind of processing power needed to do a fourier transform.

No, I sold it because I'm unemployed and I needed to pay rent.


And this enormous waste of taxpayer money did what exactly? Fooled the Russians about what the shape of our spy planes might be?

I would hope that the directors and film studios in Hollywood would be unhappy with this particular turn of events... because all it would take is for Hollywood to demand they change the lenses for the theatres to be forced to do it.

It probably would also violate public drinking laws.

There is no law which requires you to be 17 to see an R rated movie. The movie ratings system is voluntary, and the only thing preventing a kid from seeing an R rated movies are contracts between the movie studios and the movie theatres that play the movies.

Legally required? What law requires them to verify your age before looking at videos of a violent video game?


Way to go. Due to your actions, it's becoming ever more likely that said photos will be decriminalized because it is stupid to charge a child with taking nude photos of themselves. That defeats the whole purpouse of the laws which are intended to protect children. They're not being protected if they're being

I was making a joke.

Well on the plus side, if it is a scam, you won't be going to hell. And if it isn't a scam then God just might forgive you for being an athiest for being so nice to take care of people's pets.

So he's the real life Chef Gusteau then?