
Being able to push 4x as many polygons would make a difference. So would being able to antialias. And having textures with 4x the resolution.

Personally, I think this sign is rather poignant. I'm sure a lot of people who are offended by this aren't at all offended at the idea of giving people who look muslim extra screening at the airport, or stopping and questioning people who appear mexican to determine if they're here legally.

I recall reading that the game was nearly finished in 2001 but Broussard refused to declare it done because of a contract dispute with the publisher over a few million dollars. He then went on to say that he later regretted that decision.

Thanks for the spoiler!

How do they know how much radiation the dogs received, and how is their dosage low for humans if they've been there since the disaster?

But then it would be a hover trike, and not nearly as cool.

Well maybe they should provide bathroom facilities for the homeless instead of trying to ignore them? If there were real bathrooms and showers available, homeless people wouldn't have to pee and shower in the street.

The jutification is not that the tax money goes to texas, but rather that taxing online purchases levels makes things fair to local retailers. Consumers aren't encouraged to purchase online because they can avoid the tax.

If the state needs revenue, they can charge income tax or property tax. There is no need to slap a little tax on everything to complicate our lives.

I thought shining a laser at a plane was already illegal. A felony in fact? I don't think adding an $11K fine on top which goes straight to the FAA is actually going to discourage morons from doing it if a possiblt felony conviction doesn't.

Wow. Way to waste taxpayer dollars. How many millions of dollars worth of fuel do you suppose they've wasted flying those planes around for no good reason? It's amazing how much waste our military gets way with while our schools struggle with inadequate funding and people complain there isn't enough money for

Well aside from the fact that I'm broke, I haven't gotten a 3DS because the 3D effect is crappy. You have to be positioned just right, and once you are, the effect isn't that compelling.

FIlm has always been expensive. Why would it be cheaper now that it's not being mass produced?