
It is canon that the transformers first arrived on earth millions of years ago. It is totally plausible that there are lots of them scattered about which haven't been discovered. Also, if not the moon, they would simply have been reinforcements from Cybertron.

But they are crucial to gaming. A game like Grand Theft Auto could not have existed 10 years ago, because the processing power to render a huge city like that was not available. Nor could a game like Left 4 Dead. Increased processing power leads not only to pretty visuals, but to new types of game, and new

Are you kidding? We're nowhere near being able to render photorealistic visuals. Hell, Valve almost had to ditch the goo in Portal 2 because consoles could barely handle rendering it, and that was just a bunch of metaballs, not even a proper liquid simulation.

Seems like a poor way to keep customers to me. I mean how much his his stuff worth? TV, iphone, couple consoles, computer monitors... Talking about what... $4K maybe? And how much does he pay a year? From my google searches looks like you might pay $300 a month for homeowner's insurance? So $3600 a year. So if

You mean if they use a bump key, the insurance company won't cover your stuff, because it would appear that you didn't lock your door? That's BS.

You WANT them to wait 10 years for an upgrade? You realize that even the PS3 and 360's graphics are horribly outdated compared to what PCs are currently capable of, don't you?


I wasn't aware that there was a song at the end. And I haven't exactly been avoiding every single video or news article about it. Heck, I even followed the ARG.

For those cases you can put an option in the menu to enable portrait mode. But I doubt most people ever want to film in portrait... They just do because they forget which way they're holding the phone or simply don't know better.


So, where can I get a media player which can play WebM files so I can still save videos and watch them offline?

Well I was a happy iPhone user, but I guess Apple has just lost a loyal customer. I'll make my next phone an Android.

I would be kind of pissed that you put this on the front page, if I hadn't already beaten the game. I didn't want to know if there was a song at the end before I beat the game.

And it's so easy to solve too. Simply disable the video recording function until the camera is rotated to the correct orientation. Or design a camera for the phone which has a square sensor, and then crop the image to widescreen regardless of which orientation the phone is held in.

You can see barbed wire before you jump and try to grab the top of the fence. You may as well say they couldn't be sued if they electrified the fence without posting signs warning people.

Yeah that might work. Or it might result in their asses being sued when someone cracks their head open.

Except that in order to do this, they have to access everyone's PC's to do it, and you can bet your ass they're not going to be responsible and pony up for danages if their fix results in your PC being broken. Not that you will be able to prove that they were the ones that broke it, because they'll hide behind

If they cite their sources, they won't have any more sources, because any potential source is most likely going to be under NDA.

If you read the Apple patent, it is worded in such a way that it would cover all methods of head tracking. And they specifically mention IR as one potential method. So you're right... this app is not using the same technique. But what Apple patented is a different story.

A company would not wait a year to file a patent on something. Also, the dude in the video almost certainly wasn't even the first to invent it: