
Apple patented this? Are you kidding me? The video below is from a year prior to their patent application! And they must have seen the video. Can they be fined for this bullshit? They must have filed the application knowing that they were lying to the patent office when they submitted it as an original invention.

Oh hey, thanks Apple for purchasing a technology which would be useful for all sorts of consumer devices just so you can be the only one to use it for a few phones and tablets.

The Playstation 3 came out five years ago. It has only 256mb of regular ram, and 256mb of video ram.

They should just sue the police. After all it can't be legal for the cops to take money to look the other way.

I was thinking about laws which prohibit having alcohol within easy each when in a vehicle. As a bicycle is a vehicle, and riding one drunk is illegal, I assume laws about the alcohol not being locked away in the trunk out of reach may apply.

Exactly when would this come in handy?

Spike was not a koopa kid, but he was an enemy in SMB:

My guess is the logic goes something like this...

Program the app to play a message recorded by the user then, while it is waiting for them to answer. Something along the lines of "Hello? ... Hello? ... Um, just a second. ... Sorry, my reception isn't very good here. Just give me a moment."

That... actually made it worse. :-)

Metamaterials are neat, but what they've been able to do with regards to bending electromagnetic radiation around an object has been extremely limited. Think fixed shapes, on a 2D plane, and with microwaves, not light. We're a long way from being able to turn that into something that will work with 3D objects and

Dude, there are laws of physics, and they ain't that easy to break. Perpare to be as dissapointed as I was when we didn't get the hover boards and flying cars we were promised by the year 2000.

So Viacom apparently had the Youtube video removed. Can we please have a few things happen?

Okay, but what if you're playing games or videos on your laptop? Even if you have the sound turned off and you're not going crazy with the keyboard, you might be distracting students sitting behind you.

They set Crysis 2 in 2023? 12 years from now? I can forgive science fiction writers of the 1970's thinking we would be flying to Jupiter by now considering how fast the space program was moving back then, but this is just ridiculous.

I'm not ashamed to say it. I thought it was hilarious. If it had just been Duke tossing turds around it would have been stupid but the fact that he doesn't want to do it, but is unable to stop himself, is what makes it. :-)

Did you guys even watch the video? These things aren't the size of a coffee bean.

The burgertime chef is supposed to be portly and short, like Mario. What's with the skinny dude? Skinny dudes with french mustaches don't look funny running away from giant weiners.