
@Xeno: Okay, well in that case, I have to ask why in the hell Microsoft set up their achievement system so that such a thing is even possible, since multiplayer achievements should be tracked and handled by the game server.

By cheat, do they mean he made use of some bug in the game, or that he hacked his Xbox? The former I don't think should be a bannable offense, (the developers are at fault there for writing a buggy game) and I doubt this kid did the latter.

Nope. The new sounds sound whiny, and there's way too much reverb.

@acevedo12: I'm not sure I'd call that badass. A house can be replaced. Third degree burns on your arms aren't so easy to fix.

@StarkRavingMad: I've seen plenty of youtube videos which look amazing. I don't think this is the compresison's fault.

@Whereas: I think they showed this video at PAX, but they didn't let anyone record it because it was uncensored. The general public was allowed in to see it.

Why are the shadows super black and the contrast turned down on everything that's lit? I don't think the graphics looked this bad in the PAX videos. In fact they looked pretty awesome there. The blurring looks kinda crappy too. Why'd they shit all over the visuals for the trailer?

@Bakuryukun: The issue is selling a modified figure that has been modified to look like a trademarked/copyrighted character.

It's a good thing he wasn't listening to Duran Duran.

This is kind of odd to hear about coming from Japan. I mean, anyone who's familiar with anime knows they rip off all sorts of stuff. Entire fight scenes are rotoscoped. I think they even borrow backgrounds. Hell, even the Contra box art features an almost unretouched picture of Arnold Schwarzenegger. I thought

@Maxerman: Well, to use your car analogy, what they've done here is take a Fiero, and build a Ferrari body on top of it, and then resell it, thus violating the intellectual property rights of Ferrari.

@Platypus Man: Yes, but the first is pure fiction. I don't see how science could grant someone the ability to live forever, but be simultaneously unable to take it away.

@Platypus Man: Perhaps living forever would be a curse, but a hundred years isn't nearly enough for me, and I would like to live to see holodecks and visit other worlds. Heck, I'd like to live long enough just to see all the neat places there are to see on earth, and learn multiple lanuages, and how to play the

@rwwalker7: Thanks. As soon as I saw the physics in action, I knew the kid had some help. That Corona SDK has a 2D physics engine in it apparently. There's no way that kid could have written a physics engline like that at 14 unless he was some kind of supergenius.

@Platypus Man: Who wants to go to the future? Me. Somewhere down the line someone is gonna figure out the secret to immortality. I want to be a alive when that happens.

@Bastard11: I think it is silly to get upset because a hacker has a bunch of trophies he didn't earn. You know you earned yours. That's all that matters.

@jwadeTC7: I owned a PS3 at one time, and though I never hooked it up to PSN, I did notice it had a serial number on the back, visible through the box.

@SycoJack: What's your point? That he was caught because they had a photo of him? I don't buy that. most camera systems have crappy quality video, and the quality of the video at night is sure to be atrocious.

I'm curious how he was caught. It sounds like he made a clean getaway. Did he try to sell everything on the local Craigslist immediately, or was it ebaying PS3's with serial numbers which could be traced back to him when they registered on PSN?