
How can you charge someone with terroristic threatening when there was no intent to threaten, and map was discovered purely by accident?


But I thought Sony said this was no problem?

@Apostropartheid: Huh. Just checked craigslist. Locally, it looks like the 3GS is selling for about $150. Not bad. I thought it was pretty much worthless at this point.

@daGoat: I haven't been using anything. I switched to T-Mobile after I quit AT&T (jailbreak), but then I moved to a new place where T-Mobile didn't work. I haven't had a working cellphone now for a few months. I decided to give in to AT&T's bullshit for the time being so I wouldn't have to get a new phone, but they

@mountaingnome: Given that it is 1/9/11 how is it you got a text message from them?

I'll definitely sign on for Verizon phone if they get the iPhone. My iPhone has been sitting idle since I cancelled my AT&T service a year or so ago after they unilaterally changed my contract to require arbitration, and they now refuse to let me sign up for a new account unless I pay the early termination fee they

I just installed one of these on grandma's life support device. Now I won't need to worry aobut her tripping over the cord anymore. Thanks stanley!

That would hurt to sit on naked.

@Coillscath: Voxels are not new. Nor do I see us moving rendering from a polygon based setup to a voxel based one anytime soon. Those modern games which look like voxels are really just lots of 3d cubes made with your standard polygons. We're seeing more of them now because ironically 3D cardss have gotten powerful

@Strangelove: It depends on how the voxels are implemented. It is easy enough with today's 3D graphics cards to render a world that appears to be made out of blocks, out of polygons.

I think the major issue with Telltale's games is that the 3D animation sucks, and their writing isn't nearly sharp enough to compensate.

@One Man Freak Show: That's like saying all credibility is lost for stating in advance that EA is known for making shitty sports games.

@drizzt_rocks: That's like asking if there's noone who has no bias against EA available.

@Damon Dimmick: Given most restaurants serve food which is worse than what you could slap together at home, that sounds like high praise to me.

I've been there. It's a neat looking place. And the food is really good. If you're a foodie, they're worth checking out. If I recall correctly I had B1, which is a beef skewer with apricot chutney.

I like the idea of a truck, because it looks good, it makes sense, and Marty himself was a big truck fan.

The thing is, if the aliens could lay waste to us so easily, and have no use at all for us, then they would have no reason to attack in the first place. There's plenty of planets out there for them to harvest resources from. It is unlikely our planet harbors any particularly rare elements a species which can travel

@Criosphynx: You seem to be under the impression that the people poking fun don't get that.