
@kyre: That would imply one is paranoid enough to build a shelter or store food just in case of some kind of nuclear attack or natural disaster.

Yeah, so you survive the initial blast and fallout. So what? What then?

I could care less if Gizmodo has something against Zuckerberg. They're right. Assange is totally the guy who should have been on the cover this year

I like how it asks you to update your email address when it is having an updated email address which would have caused people problems due to the database being compromised in the first place.

"Chen said he would have happily paid to get the game free of built-in forced time sinks."

@walkingagh: What makes you think that a technology which can increase battery storage capacity by 10x can't also provide you with a battery which is 50% smaller and provide a 5x storage gain over the older tech battery which was 2x larger?

Why would wicked lasers need FDA approval for anything? I'm sure they're not making their own laser modules. And whoever is probably already got whatever approval was needed for the parts. I mean anyone can go onto an electronics website and order laser modules and stick them in a flashlight body. Folks use them

@Norbs: I'm not sure how the foam was done. It's hard to see any dicontinuities in it because it's moving fast. But all you have to do is watch stuff in the scene when the door flies all the way open suddenly and you can see it's spliced. Look at the binder on the shelf. Look out the window. Look at the guy's

@freakboy9: It wasn't shopped. All they did was take two different videos and splice them together. One where they fire at the guy who is not thrown back much, if at all, and one where they fire a dummy, or at a dummy, with a lot more pressure.

@Norbs: Also, no matter how much pressure was applied to the door, that wouldn't make the head of the guy firing the gun turn instantly at the moment the door flies open.

@Norbs: You realize how much damage a person would take if that much force were applied to them and they were hurled into metal lockers? If it were real he might be dead.

Fake. His legs and hands dissapear when he flies back.

So how is Valve going to judge which weapons to use? The most popular one would obviously be the one which kills best. Ie: the one which is the most overpowered. So do they go with the one which is neither most popular nor least popular? :-)

@Dwight-K-Schrute: It looks like Sam and Max. A low budget, inexpensive game. I wasn't expecting much from it from the start, and what I saw here wasn't really outside my expectations. If you want an adventure game based on Back to the Future, this will probably provide a decent diversion for an hour or two.

@Orian: Bullshit. Are you saying one can't animate a cartoon style to look great? Cartoon animation is actually EASIER than animating realistic looking people, because you don't have to be so subtle!

I thought to get a patent you were supposed to actually have to demonstrate the invention. I mean could I get a patent on all 3D holographic displays, without explaining how exactly creating said display was to be accomplished? That's basically what this patent is, except with a screen instead of an empty volume of

@9of9: You didn't?

Hah @ Chuck Norris.