Hitting the 'X' actually worked for you? I tried doing that with some irritating ads and it never seemed to make any difference.
Hitting the 'X' actually worked for you? I tried doing that with some irritating ads and it never seemed to make any difference.
I've *heard of* less than 20 of these. Does hearing of them count, or do I have to actually watch all of the videos &c. to count them as "experiences"? If so, then I can only mark off a half dozen. Does this make me "old" and "uncool" and "too much a part of the actual world"?
I'm with you. If I want to socialize with people that I work with, I'll do it on my own, thanks.
I'm with kcunning. If you have two offers, you obviously have value that the other companies can see. A counter offer from your current employer is basically too little, too late.
I don't participate a lot in #openthread, but I know that I read about one-tenth as many comments under the new commenting system. So it stands to reason that participation would drop off.
I would suggest a small space heater or a heating pad on a low setting. Taking the regular safety precautions of course - my dog tends to dig a lot before settling into his bed, so if I used a heating pad, I'd want to make sure it's not going to get damaged, etc. etc.
Well, to be fair, fleshbot is still around... I just don't check it that often since my internet time is mostly spent at work, and those ladies got really upset that one time.
What? There were Nude Olympics!!!???
"if there is any sanity in the movie"
Oh, bluerggh.... Prometheus........
He should already be legally required to stay away from movie cameras. This is going to be a turd. Netflix, underwear, couch, low expectations .... and a different movie, please.
Thanks. Now I don't have to sleep tonight. :-\
"best" line from this trailer: "Everything on this planet has evolved to kill humans." At that point, you pretty much know this is going to be garbage.
Yes; but how many generations have already passed? How long have cigarette filters been a common component of litter? About 50-60 years? We could already be 20-30 generations into it, which ought to be enough time for at least *some* noticeable effect.
Or there is a selective pressure applied to the populations whereby birds with a nose for smoked butts have a higher rate of reproductive success than those without. "Smarts" and "reason" aren't necessary when you have natural selection on your side.
"This sort of pseudo scientific mysticism has been around for as long as I have been alive."
Good point. Looking more closely at the video, I'm not convinced his ears are modified, though. So I'm guessing he's not a Vulcan.
So you're saying he's Sybok? I don't think I could handle a re-hash of The Final Frontier.
The 14-year-old in me giggled at the bit about "catapult[ing] a charged fluid jet through air".