Ellis T Harrison

I think even a biblically proportioned flood would leave you high & dry. I mean, assuming that no water is added to the earth from, say, outer space.

Never mind missing a glance of Smaug; blink and you're dead!

Can someone do a rule 34 check on armpit cheese? (I would, but I'm at work right now.)

I would definitely watch that. Well, at least the first episode.

Blurgh. I think the prospect of a blueberry-human hybrid is as likely as the theory hinted at here (http://robertlindsay.wordpress.com/2012/11/24/bigfoot-news-thanksgiving-edition-2012/): namely, that the "non-human, non-archaic hominin, and non-ape sequences" are from aliens.

I'm going to make a tentative identification of the source of the "other" DNA: It's BLUEBERRIES!!! Yes, Bigfoot is a blueberry-human hybrid.

I disagree with this. Just because you *can* publish something doesn't mean you *should*. If the author himself doesn't think the work is any good, that's reason enough not to release them.

fish farts.

I noticed the same thing. They make the thing even more creepy, because it looks like a human in a Pooh-suit. Some kind of kinky Disney-inspired cosplay furry action, that.

I think this is all the evidence I need to support my new theory that furniture designers are in on the imminent alien invasion.

I'm with you on this. I do think that additional work could be done (first and foremost, go out & film from different locations and at different times of day to see if they still show up; filming from multiple locations simultaneously; going to the spot where they appear to be launching & landing). But the appropriate

What I don't understand is why they haven't done this. It's a no-brainer. It's the FIRST thing I would do. Try filming from multiple locations. Or better yet, try getting closer. If you have a guess about where they object is landing, why are you not going there??

Yeah, I have to wonder what Annalee is seeing that makes her think the guy is naked. Yes, his arm is bare. Short sleeve shirt or tank top.

The Three Stooges Meet Alien would have been more entertaining.

After all, why would you realistically need a geologist and biologist if you have a crew member like David? Surely he has the same requisite knowledge as those two guys combined.

limerick, not haiku.


Serious question: Who the hell is Cory Booker?

Thanks, Charlie Jane - this review echoes my feelings exactly. I haven't been this excited about Fringe since season 3.

My thoughts exactly. This sort of attitude has completely lost whatever charm it once had.