Ellis Dean

Let’s be honest, too: there’s only so far you can take a donut. After that the returns not only diminish, but actually start negatively impacting said starch torus.

But there is a real reason why people in Boston and surroundings are fond of them and often prefer them to “artisianal” donuts made by hipsters.

Half Life 3 confirmed!

Please stop paying attention to this attention-whore racist labor-stealing pile of shit.

I’m pretty sure your average American knows about OJ and Nicole Simpson.  

And yeah, let’s break down the comedic math of this for a minute

“Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?" Too soon?

I hate to be That Guy given the context, but if I’m reading you correctly I think you might mean ‘cold comfort’.

Finally , quality programming on HBO Max that I couldn’t possibly get anywhere else and is no way similar to any other show!

Who wants quality scripted series when you can have awful reality TV?

Eroticized herbs was a thing in the 1950's?

Well, if I had more access to casual sex I probably wouldn’t need porn as much.

Even taking that into account, I really doubt that the sexual objectification of garlic rises to the status of “problem. Anywhere.

“Hey! You! An entire foreign country! Stop having problems of your own that I don’t care about! I demand that you focus entirely on the one problem of yours that I know about!”

I’m pretty sure K-pop is outside the mission scope of both the Korean Peasants League and the Korean Women Peasants Association, and as such no one would expect them to make that non-agricultural judgement call.

Guess what? Working class people who work in film and television have been hurt for decades by Hollywood outsourcing to Vancouver, then Louisiana and now Georgia. The people who live in Los Angeles. Which is supposedly an industry town. And those people lived and moved there specifically to work in the business. Who

I mean, isn’t one of the “choices” to NOT have an abortion? The idea is that everyone should be free to make that choice, not that everyone must be required to be in favor of abortions.

I think the movie does a good job showing how vulnerable you are being young and pregnant. Juno is taken advantage of and influenced by a lot of other peoples expectations on her body. I didn’t find it anti-choice, instead I think it did a good job of showing what a traumatic experience it is having so many others

Because apparently men know best when it comes to what’s good for women.

That age range is super fucked up but 18 isn’t a child, come on.