The statement about why it's pulled is truly something. They used the word "damn" and there's briefly female nudity. Lets ignore that said nudity is connected to suicide as well. I mean Jesus Christ it read like a deleted Idiocracy joke.
The statement about why it's pulled is truly something. They used the word "damn" and there's briefly female nudity. Lets ignore that said nudity is connected to suicide as well. I mean Jesus Christ it read like a deleted Idiocracy joke.
I’m not a law-talking-guy, but I have been told those that are that you are better off NOT specifically identifying examples because then the other side will always argue “it wasn’t on the list,” even when there is a clause stating that the list is incomplete. In making a list, you are establishing that these are the…
We’ll have to bring in Mutt Lange to mix the 16,000 acoustic guitar tracks.
Joe’s just asking questions. Do your own research.
These grifters for alpha males are banking like crazy. Ignorance is very profitable and they know it.
First the Green M&M, now this. What the hell an I supposed to jerk off to?
I think Cosby’s part in the Black community, and in the way everyone else looked at the Black community for decades is the why there’s a need for it, and probably a chunk of the show. The trailer I watched is certainly a lot of Black celebrities talking about it.
Hannibal Buress is arguably the person who publicized the allegations more than anyone else. Dave Chappelle talks about Cosby all the time. Tracy Morgan makes a joke about Cosby being a rapist on 3o Rock... back when he still had a pristine reputation.
(I mean I must , I guess , since I posted this, but other that...)
I love that film, it’s got such a great heart that’s lacking from even the later Jim Henson Muppet films. But it’s strange, that Studebaker already looks like it’s in pretty good physical condition. Sure the paint is mostly gone, but there’s a lot still there. I dunno what $175k would be going to, and they don’t make…
Of course James Bond should be a man. That’s the character as intended. Making Bond a woman accomplishes nothing. It’s fake corporate gesturing to try to appease to the crowd that gets loud about wokeness thinking they’ll be satisfied. Make new roles for women. That’s progress. Put women behind the camera. In the…
Ever see the trailer for the two Matrix sequels? They looked pretty cool.
This film isn’t very realistic. The real Catholic Church has WAY more gay sex.
I liked this movie more the first time when it was called “Satan’s Alley.”
Although the Virgin Mary dildo doesn’t hurt.
I also wonder what their response would be if we were talking about China and not the Middle East.
I know I am in the minority, but I kind of liked the cut to black. In this case I think it was fine to lave it up to the audience to decide what happens next.