Ellis Dean

Do they even play the Canadian anthem outside of hockey games, though? And even then, how do you put your hand over your heart when you're holding two Molsons?

Kendall's been in front of a camera for almost a decade. Her family is comprised completely of media whores who have a team that has been crafting their images for quite a while. So how the hell is she "inexperienced"? This "awful business" has allowed a family talent-free morons to become millionaires.

I just finished the game like…20 minutes ago.

The letter should never have been the "game-changer". HRC should have had this locked up, but she refused to campaign where she needed to and didn't have a message other than "I'm not Trump".

The dialog isn't any more cringe-y than any other chapter in the series. Jeez, all the Illusive Man dialog is straight out of a "B Move Writing 101" class.

Absolutely. Their live shows are pretty great. Sean is a damned fine musician.

The first thing I did was search Alibaba for inverted pig rectum. I don't know why I'm surprised, but there are a lot of pork poopchute purveyors.

So you're telling me the gaggle of white trash elected by America's significant population of white trash is acting like white trash?

And yet that grandstanding helped cut his own throat.

I'd love to try some of them at home (there's just no way I'm paying ~$17 for a veggie burger served in a restaurant).


The only surprise here is that anybody gives a shit.

No, Trump is "1984". It's very clear and disturbing.

It's a good movie with a great cast and memorable lines.

Well, Jodorowsky's "Holy Mountain" made their list. That makes "Blue Velvet" look like "National Velvet".

Actually if you have 10 billion dollars, you do in fact hire hookers. A billionaire is not going to go down to the hotel bar and hit on random flight attendants while flashing his Rolex. He picks up his phone and calls the concierge "I need five women. Brunette or blonde, light complexion. Have them here by 10pm."

I'm a Gen Xer. I don't have any ill will towards Millenials. To me, they're all like Canadians: inconsequential at best.

Funny thing is, Trump will be a president just like Arnie was a governor.

It was done in the prequels with a pretty heavy hand; for those of you who choose to remember those flicks, one remembers Amidala's quote in episode III "So this is how liberty dies…with thunderous applause." All the Palpatine stuff with orchestrating the war was a pretty clear nod to Bush43 & the Iraq nonsense.

I think we're all expecting a little too much self-awareness from people who voted for a reality show host to run the country. A few will regret it, but none will learn anything.