Ellis Dean

"Turned into"? He's always been one. It's just that the advent of social media has enabled certain people to amplify their views and make their characteristics more widely known.

To be fair, the guy prefaced his idiocy with "I'm not much of a Ween fan"…but even the most casual Columbia House-member mouth-breather would definitely NOT call The Mollusk a collection of sea shanties. Jesus…it's like he spent time figuring out just how much incorrect information he could cram into a few words. He

I think it's fairly close to where Beck lives (or lived in '99). There was an old interview where he talked about how he liked living in the hood and joked about how the bricks in Danzig's front yard might be an artistic statement.

Well if anybody's doing the Kaufman bit, I guess it's McCain right now…

"Sirens" was one of Jerry Garcia's favorite books…so much so that he bought the film rights and spent ages trying to develop a script with Tom Davis. Unfortunately, when you had those two guys in a room hanging out, you had less "screenwriting" and more "heroin using".

It's about time! I've always thought there should be passive aggressive signs in the audience dictating what punk should be.

I hardly think a frontman for a 40+ year old punk band playing daytime sets on the festival circuit is "moneyed". Not by a long shot. He's probably still digging out of debt he started in the 80's.

"Hit a new Lowe (or two) this August on A&E…"

"American Gods" belongs in the realm of "The Sopranos" or "The Wire" in terms of excellence in television. The art direction is the best I've ever seen for a television series. I think the sheer volume of "good tv" right now has raised the amount of chatter so someone like Mr. Wednesday doesn't stand out as clearly

"Do you want me to bring out the LeRoy Neiman paintings?

Y'know what? Sometimes it's 2am and I want a club sandwich with fries, hold the bullshit. And so yeah, Denny's works sometimes.

Oliver Stone comes off as a stooge on his promo tour for this flick. Oh well.

Yeah, but that meal ticket is only good for a well-done steak with ketchup, served in Florida with a scenic view of a sinkhole. That's no way to live.

Yeah…don't believe it. This is the GOP's "moderate, young hip" face to show America's late-night audience that they're not ALL withered ogres mainlining donations from SuperPACs. It's a charm offensive.

Well…they ARE really big right now, just in the wrong ways. I mean, just look at how many articles about them are out there now!

So she's taking money for work that she finds deplorable. If she actually believed the weapons-grade crazy that she spouts, that's one thing. There's a actually conviction there.
But pushing all this nonsense along while cashing a check…that's actually worse.

"All of David Byrne's music sounds exactly the same, and it's all terrible."

It's all well and good to Tweet your displeasure, but it don't mean a thing if you don't actually vote.

It's almost like Don Henley and Joe Walsh had a quick meeting and said "Oh shit, we haven't been giant assholes yet this year…I'll start suing some nothing hotel in Baja's hippie backwater, and Joe, you get on Twitter to badmouth a guy whose newborn just had open heart surgery. Meet back in two weeks to see how we

While Fieri is absolutely terrible on the "Triple D" (a little bit of me died when I typed that), it's a decent show for giving the spotlight on little mom & pop type joints. Some suck, some don't. But they get a little shoutout from some obnoxious d-bag wearing loud shirts.