
exactly! its like every commenter here thinks his tech knowledge qualifies him to opine on a deal that is clearly motivated purely by FINANCIALS and INVESTORS. nobody wants to keep throwing money at a business that isnt growing worth a shit, and thats the pc industry.

grow a pair? OP- grow a brain! pc sales are going nowhere, HP wants out (rightly so, as its investors do not want an eternally sideways moving stock), and guess what- its not like theyre firing everyone in the pc division and shutting down the business. theyre gonna sell it to a player that wants to invest in that

brian- Like my old grand daddy used to say, "The less a man makes declarative statements, the less apt he is to look foolish in retrospect."

the cost of engineering a recapture solution likely exceeded the savings/gains from more efficient water use.

OP should have balanced the reference a little better with a couple extra lines, e.g., "a lightscribe pen was given out, as the author felt that personal handwriting would create a more personal message, perhaps more likely to move the perp than what would be conveyed by uniform typed words, etc. at the same time, he

meh, taking a photo that looks like this would simply require expert placement of various neutral density filters and the like... the way i see it, whether you do it before you shoot the image, or after in post-processing, it's teh same process, and shouldnt really make a difference. the photo is still manipulated

"First of all the text cannot be taken at face value, without a proper [European] legal background you can't read it, interpret it or understand the background.

exactly. and a circular polarizer for the deep blue skies...

i know what you mean... i shoot a 5dmk1 and an m7, and would throw all the canon stuff away along with some body parts for an m9... in the meantime, i have to make do! hehehe

right, my point was i doubt the x100 successors will blossom into what you were hoping for, in the near future, whereas the new nex, when it comes out, apparently hits all the right spots...

before you miss the important point here, forget fuji- the nex already does what you want it to do, because you can get a nex-m39 or nex-m adapter, or really nex to anything...

they are nice, but the above graphic shouldnt take a pro more than 15 mins to do...

they are nice, but the above graphic shouldnt take a pro more than 15 mins to do...

i was just saying that slippery slope arguments are not necessarily logical fallacies. that seemed to be what you were implying... some are, some arent.

i dont see how you can assert so factually that this is a slippery slope fallacy... i dont htink this is a camel's nose argument, i can see a clear line of events going from forced biometrics in warzones, to some horrible attack on america leading to forced biometrics in all airports for everyone, followed by forced

i loooooove that they end the video with the new noctilux!

i thought the swiss were supposed to be more neutral...

i just dont buy music from apple... and it's not that i'm personally concerned in some sort of life-changing way, i'm just pointing out that the legal/property rights landscape in purchased music is changing, and i think it's important to not be completely clueless...

@dezerus richardson yeah, but you DO own the property interest in the CD itself, which a label/distributor cannot interfere with unilaterally/without your permission. that property interest is what assures you that you get to listen to the music you bought, for as long as you want.