
i think you mean luxurious

You google for it. Literacy exams are common requirements.

ummm we have a right to education and we still have to pass tests to get into schools, diplomas, there's a start. voting is a right and certain states require you to pass a literacy exam.

otherwise, there is also "effects" doctrine, pursuant to which States validly give their laws extraterritorial jurisdictional reach, when extraterritorial acts create sufficient "effects" within the State. See e.g. the Lotus case.

as it typical when you guys try to do legal reporting, this was an extremely superficial, poorly informed, knee-jerk reaction of an article. seriously, is there no institutional commitment whatsoever to reporting on more than what you happened to think when you read the AP article?

you guys missed the very clear "because russia" component to this story...

that which can be presented without evidence can just as surely be dismissed without evidence.

how long till theyre on the shelves in supermarkets is the more relevant question...


omg hahahahhahahahaahhaha

ethanol != natural gas.

more like they developed something they invented 24 years ago. and had the institutional culture and memory to make sure the invention didnt get completely forgotten.

exactly... i wonder why execs even bother making these statements, does anyone really think "oh well, since i heard it from schmidt, it must be true!"

god i hate non-lawyers commenting on legal matters... the 50K threshold is not a goddamn technicality, its the the basis for not bringing stupid claims into our overtaxed federal court system, when they can be resolved just as well in STATE court. moreover, 50K is a PLEADING requirement, you dont have to PROVE it, and

this whole article, tongue-in-cheek though it may be, reads like a solicitation to commit a felony. i hope you guys are well-versed in the extent of your 1st amendment protections...

senna would formulate it otherwise- "On a given day, a given circumstance, you think you have a limit. And you then go for this limit and you touch this limit, and you think, 'Okay, this is the limit.' As soon as you touch this limit, something happens and you suddenly can go a little bit further. With your mind

yeah, but machiavelli emphasizes exploiting the power structure and relative bargaining positions, and in that formulation, the ruler specifies the end and the people are the means.

not quite- consider this quote, the provenance of which i shouldnt have to explain-

may i suggest a materiality threshold prior to sounding the correction alarm? how about asking yourself one of two questions- 1) does the mistake render the text ambiguous, misleading, or otherwise unintelligible? 2) is the mistake so blatant as to call into question the veracity or diligence of the entire article or

google plus sucks, big whoop...