
I thought for a sec about commenting about how ole’ Jock just wanted to keep his race legit according to the ridiculous rules of the time and maybe he wasn’t a raging douche and give him props for championing women athletes 5 years later when the rules of the sport changed but then i was like, meh, a big strong man

i started scrolling through to see who these children’s rollercoaster riding simpletons were (having never watched whatever it is they do) but ended up feeling as though i were looking directly into the eyes of that clown in the new it trailer. they are truly unnerving.

Don’t understand, don’t care enough to fact check, don’t think anyone will notice is the diagnostic triad for lazy journalism, most frequently noted in the ‘sciencey’ part of any news story.

I basically blurted out a series of nouns in rapidly increasing volume and urgency, such that my spouse thought i was having a medical emergency: poussey! haircuts!! skin!!! shoulders!!!! outfits!!!!! heart eyes!!!!!! aaargglebaaaarggh!!! Then he came over and saw, and understood.

My reaction to this pic was a series of nouns, blurted in rapidly increasing volume and urgency, such that my spouse thought i was having a medical emergency: poussey! haircuts! skin!! shoulders!!!! outfits!!!!! heart eyes!!!!!! aaargglebaaaarggh!!! Then he came over and saw, and understood.

So the winds of change are finally starting to blow up the tight, fossilized Balanchine ass of traditional NYC classical ballet? Good for Bouder, and i hope she continues to kick ass but over here in the 21st century, 2 of Canada’s 4 big ballet companies have female ADs and Ballet BC’s (AD Emily Molnar) program of 4

Watching the oscars on TV is like holding a cassette player up to the radio to record songs. Sure, I did it back when I had to, but 21st century magic allows me to see the dresses and winners on my phone in real time while watching the Night Manager, so why on earth would I bother?

The only people carrying off the white dresses are Naomie and Priyanka and their insanely gorgeous faces are doing a lot of the heavy lifting. Mostly, the white ladies look like they threw on some old gramma’s pantyhose they found in an attic. Dusty.

On second glance, I will concede that Naomie should have been in the ‘works because the wearer’ category because her outrageously gorgeous face is bringing everything to that look. EVERYTHING.

Ruth Negga looks like a 1979 prima ballerina swanning around the most fabulous cocktail soiree before the gala performance and i love it!

Okay, you’ve provided so far... Pandering is bad but only if directed at heavily populated states. Pandering to states with low populations is good and Hilary lost because she didn’t pander to the midwest enough. Popular vote is bad because then big states get to decide elections and low population states get ignored.

“quad rollover, + ETOH, - helmet” was definitely in the top 3 most common triage descriptors in our ER trauma bay from may long weekend to labour day when i worked in Alberta....

That urge to want to praise the officers involved for just doing their jobs competently (and believe me, i feel it too) because they often don’t (and Canada is no exception, as First Nations people, black men and vulnerable populations know far too well, and everyone else should know) is just another layer to that

An immediate ban on Trump supporters being allowed entry into Canada as an anti-terrorism measure ‘until we can sort it out’ and subsequent ‘extreme vetting’ of all Trump supporters does sound quite tempting......

The second man taken into custody, Mohamed Belkhadir, was providing first aid to one of the victims when he ran from what he thought was the shooter (it was police). The police did not shoot him (though he was a brown man running), they publicly clarified and he publicly thanked them for their professionalism after

Was thinking of the BB/Fargo/other people trifecta as i typed but oh yeah you’re right! (PSH-me too, and mine too. ugh.)

Plemons gives me total young phillip seymour hoffman vibes, and i mean that as the best compliment possible... Very much enjoy watching him do anything, and it seems he can.

I hope that, to honour the way they met, Plemons can somehow incorporate into his wedding vows, “you gotta stop stabbing him, hon”

I guess these gents are volunteering to paw though every clot in every ER? Because I’ve been an ER RN for 8 yrs and the only way I can tell a spontaneous abortion from a scalp laceration or nosebleed 99% of the time is that the former is on a pelvic tray, and the latter on a suture tray and epistaxis tray

Not just the fatty sexers but also the lazy and forgetful! Mirena x10yrs here, all because of a nursing school placement at an abortion provider. The first patient on my first day was on alesse (as was I); the counsellor told her they don’t recommend low-hormone BCP for anyone over 120lbs or who is not fastidious