
If referring to events specifically in the republic of Colombia prior to 1886, I suppose (as strange a reference point as that would be), but pre-Columbian is the correct way to spell the historic era prior to 1492, and the arrival of Christopher....wait for it.... Columbus!

Also because there are an alarming number of people who, with utter sincerity, believe “America is a marketplace, not a country” (I read this in a comment on a news story this morning and I don’t know if its that asshole’s original thought or some Ayn Rand horseshit but it chilled my soul more than the current

‘Murica, that unique place where the government will track you and intervene if you purchase advil cold & sinus twice in a month, but not if you accumulate weaponry to put a bullet in 500 people so fast you don’t even need a bathroom break...

So obvious that you do not want to move. Literally being offered $2million-North Van’s current average house price- to move to one of the world’s most livable cities?! The fact that you’re not screaming FUCK YES and throwing your bags and kids in the car indicates that you do not want to do this. At all. And that’s

and clearly i am really excited because i can barely type. ugh. try and read that as though i know how to write in the english language.

ohmygod yes and the only reason i leterally commented somewhere else that this season was really up and down but those two episodes were Everest-level highs. Everest level.

Its the best episode of the whole series and arguably the best stand alone episode of any show anytime. I recall it more like a movie short than an ‘episode’-do it!

I found this season pretty mediocre but the episode that opened with the deaf couple arguing and especially the thanksgiving ep. were Everest level high points. Love that it was rewarded and Lena looks and sounds like a superhero giving that speech-yay!

MofN had two high points in a lotta blech this season-the episode that opened with the deaf couple arguing and the thanksgiving episode, but man those two are Everest level highs. Should be taught to everyone everywhere everyday.

Beyond the obvious WTFery of an italian food disneyland in italy, the words “farming factories” and the ratio of 40 of them in 20 acres is the stuff of nightmares...

comparison is entirely legit, the whole ‘lemmings over the cliff’ thing was also just disney-fake posturing for the camera that caused real suffering.

In his words (incoherent and idiotic as they are), “I would leave my wife without a husband, my children without a daddy, rather than kneel to the very forces of evil that I have so long stood against,” so I imagine we’ll be hearing very soon that he has jumped off a cliff...

“I would leave my wife without a husband, my children without a daddy, rather than kneel to the very forces of evil that I have so long stood against,” so I expect him to jump off a cliff any minute now....

A white guy sat down, acknowledged someone else’s feelings, listened to a marginalised group, and seems to have learned and attempted to be a better ally. He gets to create a new piece in collaboration with a sorely underserved community. The Dakota community gets access to a now more famous gallery space to display

Absolutely. When I read the article, to me described a positive and productive community process that increased understanding and awareness and created a collaboration and a new art work. One in which, miracle of miracles, a white guy actually sat down, shut the fuck up, listened, learned and made progress.

White guy makes art, marginalised group voice objections, instead of standard shitweasel response of “sorry you’re offended” or “buuut my precious art!” the artist sits the fuck down, listens, learns, responds with a thoughtful mea culpa, goes on to collaborate with the group to create a new work of art that will

White guy makes art, marginalised group voice strong objections, instead of standard shitweasel response of “sorry if you’re offended” or “but my precious art” the artist responds with a thoughtful mea culpa, goes on to collaborate with the group to create a new work of art that will literally and symbolically

Nice! My go-to is either theatrically whispering “nut cancer!” or classic Coen bros shoutout in Nic Cage yokel accent, “the doctor said her womb was a rocky place where my seed could not find purchase”.

Once I was asked the followup of “don’t you like kids?” and it is with a mix of regret and relief that I don’t more often get to use my reply: “Nah, love kids, just don’t want one. Love singing in the shower, don’t want to be a rock star.”

And the epilogue today where Switzer, now 70 ran Boston in 4:44 (with some seriously well paced, enviably even splits), looking chill as fuck at the finish line. FEELS!