
cool, really? i can see that working as we....uh, i’ll be in my bunk.

Now wait a sec here... for 20yrs people have been getting hotted up for this movie because of Leo?  With John Leguizamo and Harold Perrineau around and young and often shirtless and sometimes pantless and dancing and gunslinging and monologuing and looking like they did?!? No, no there must be some mistake.

So that makes an even 20yrs of me wondering why people got hotted up over a wee loaf of whitebread when John Leguizamo looked like THAT and Harold Perrineau looked like THAT. Oh Tybalt! Oh Mercutio! Oh mercy!

Noice! My spouse of 13yrs and I are not the marrying types, which is lucky because I’m adamant that Cat Power’s cover of Velvet Underground’s ‘I found a reason” is the greatest love song ever, and he thinks its total bummer music. No wedding, crisis averted.

Even if we both didn’t find the wedding industrial complex utterly repugnant, my spouse and I would be unable to undertake the bizarre public mortification ritual known as a first dance, as I consider Cat Power’s cover of the Velvet Underground’s “i found a reason” the greatest vocal declaration of love ever and he

The only ones that stopped my mindless scroll were Rihanna on Vogue (amazing layout and general goddessness), Amandla on Teen Vogue (beautiful, ‘feminist’ right below her reminding me of the good ole days os Sassy), and Lupita on InStyle (that green on her, mercy).

3 images caught my eye enough to stop me scrolling: Rihanna’s Vogue, Amandla on TeenVogue, and Lupita’s InStyle (that green!). Otherwise, that is some serious boring white bullshit, and I’m a boring white lady. I’ve never touched a Shape magazine but feel confident in stating that it is an abomination, Allure should

Right?! I walk to work in a pair of ‘going to work sweatpants’ and birkenstocks, change into washed-for-me ‘work jammies’ (scrubs) and I only ever accessorize with a hair elastic and the varied body fluids of strangers in my ER. The only problem is that I can never go straight out somewhere nice after work, and I only

Seriously. For starters, the items (they are absoutley NOT sports bras) the uniformly small-breasted women on the buband website are wearing underneath this glorified gaffe tape are completely inappropriate for medium/high impact activity. Encapsulate the breast tissue with a sized band, actual cups, adjustable straps

Not having to buy tampons (or as many undies) for 8yrs thanks to Mirena = $2,000 to spend on a friggin’ vacation. I am woman, hear me roar!

So Americans have to live in NY for a year to learn what Canadians seem to know instinctively? Interesting....

Yeah, I don’t get it. Not a single woman on the website is wearing a proper sports bra underneath this monstrosity. Bitty wrangling requires the encapsulation and compression of breast tissue through band and cup sizing and adjustable straps. Not a stretchy cropped tank top that couldn’t support a cotton ball with an

my first thought too- free the magnificent quads!

when we left toronto, we made several trips to goodwill like dumdums before we realised that you could just put it on the front walk and it would be gone in 10mins (usually to older portuguese gents), and we moved with several items i scored that way. geez i miss bloordale and its neighbourliness sometimes.

My answer to the dreaded “how do you spell that” to anyone other than the government or bank is “however you want because i guarantee i’m the only person in the place with that name and the cup/wrapper’s going in the recycling in 10 mins”

Huh? A cardiac arrest refers to the cessation of heart function. While it certainly can be electricity-related (vfib or pulseless vtach), it can also be obstructive (thrombus), mechanical (cardiomyopathy/valve failure), circulatory (hypovolemia), or restrictive (pericardial tamponade/effusion) in origin. You can have

This is how i roll as well (unless I think about it too much, get panic-induced aphasia and just point), therefore it is clearly correct. A celebratory vaginal tea bag is in order!

Yup, duoDEEnum is a terrible American sounding word and duOHdenum is a terrible British sounding word, and both should be banished. More important though, if you say os frequently surely you also say umbilical, and is is umBILical or umbiLIEcal? I’m going on 8 years of waffling on this one.....

They might be my old downstairs neighbours...? He was a bit nerd ragey, she was kind of flakey, and they never recycled (boo), but they had a nice quiet dog so good luck to them, crazy kids (whose names I’ve forgotten). Did i guess right? And are they still on my lawn?

I love how I clicked on this story because a one-word reference to Fargo got me so excited, and the first thread is all fuck TD, Fargo rules! I think i watched TD2 but my only memory is that I liked the crime guy’s wife’s haircut. But I could reliable recount Fargo2 scene for scene, it was just. that. awesome. I can’t