L. Davis

I don't understand the headline... "Maybe don't?" How about just fucking "DON'T Mock."

I'm late to this party, but I didn't realize Avril Lavigne was popular in the early 1800s.....

I am BEYOND excited for this, although the intensity of the brackets alone makes me like...

Bellamy came into our office recently where I am the receptionist... I was beyond starstruck. On her way out, her manager tells me that he could tell I was a huge fan and he sent her over to me so I could tell her. I became a wreck of a squealing fangirl, gushing about how amazing she is and how much I love the

I'm in the midst of trying to explain this to one of my best guy friends right now given his irrational behavior towards a a mutual friend of ours. It makes me furious with him that his emotions are so selfish as to pitch a fit and blame her for not being who he wanted her to be.

I've heard that this caramel coloring is what can also make hangovers worse when you are mixing with liquor, which is why it's better to mix with a clear drinks like sprite or ginger ale. I don't know if it's true, but I was curious if anyone else has heard this...

I met her the other day, and she was radiant in person. Kind and just had light shining out of her face. That may sound extreme, but it's so true. I'm so happy for her deserved win.

I LOVED my Samantha doll, but the books are what really hold a special place in my heart. They were brilliant ways of teaching a 7yr old about racism, slavery, class divisions, etc... And not just the historical books, but I lived for their magazine, quiz books, "how to be a friend" book, diy craft books, "how to send

The General Conference is where leaders and delegates from the church gather every few years, and each time they vote on wether or not to remove the Book of Discipline's sanctions on homosexuality in the church. Every time they get closer and closer to the majority they need. So many believe that change IS coming, but

Many believers are aware of the damage the Bible has caused Christianity and religious organization as a whole. There are a lot of intelligent, science-believing people who try to validate their faith and beliefs through something greater than a text written by a collection of people over years and years.

B. Coop will ALWAYS be Will Tippin to me, so this makes me very distressed. SAY IT ISN'T (WASN'T) SO, WILL!

I'm amazed that people think this was an accident. Sounds to me like a pretty calculated PR move to stay relevant and get paid. It's not like she has had the opportunity to gain any other profitable skills besides being pregnant and a mess on basic cable. Jenelle is just doing Jenelle.

If Jesus walked into her office today, she'd assume a terrorist had gotten into the Fox News building. That's a "Megyn Kelly fact." One not related to a scientific fact, but one based on my beliefs and judgements about another human being.

Since the agency i work for represents him, I feel obligated to mention that it's Robert KNEPPER.

No self respecting stoner would resort to a tampon pipe. This whole article is "behind the football bleachers" nonsense. Call me when Tracy and Rich bring Pot Psychology back.

Nancy Pelosi, Sandra Fluke, Elizabeth Warren, and Bill Clinton tonight.

I think Vampire Bill and Carrie Underwood gazing longingly at each other during "Something Good" will be the comedic highlight of the holiday season.

How I feel about ALL of it. Fuck. FUCK. FUCCCCKKKKK.

I'm the Wicked Witch of the East! Just partying it up with my good friend Vampire Bat. I LOVE HALLOWEEN!